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Old 05-20-2008, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Renee View Post
Beth post #39,

I'm glad that is over. He is full of fire but I tell you as my husband and friend for 47 years he is a blessed friend to have on your side. I have always known where I stand with George. And I have always said I am above all women blessed.

In Christ love,
That's very sweet. You two are a great testimony of a great marriage in Christ.

I've never considered any one of you an enemy. Just some differences in opinions, beliefs. Let's carry on. In Christ, Beth
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 05-21-2008, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Diligent View Post
Forum users:

I am interested in your opinions about the policy of this forum as to how "open" it is. While I don't have an interest in a strictly moderated (as in each-post-approved-by-me) forum, it may be that my original desire to have a very open forum policy is not actually feasible.

My goal, in the end, is to help increase people's faith in God's word. I figured that having a forum where people could ask honest questions about the Bible and the versions issue would be conducive to this -- I was "converted" away from the NIV in part because I had access to information. So, my hope was that more information would help more people.

But it is apparant that there are people who have nothing better to do than to actively seek an undermining of peoples' faith in the Bible and try to build up secondary authorities (ie, the elusive "The Greek" or other scholars). I have already banned some of the most egregious offenders, but I am wondering if a more stringent policy is warranted.

While I do not have the desire to be a forum policeman, it isn't a big deal to put new posters under moderation for a longer period of time, or to move some of the "borderline" posters into moderation.

I am interested in opinions from users of the forum. I am of course not obligating myself to do anything here -- this is just an informal request for discussion.
Diligent:---A) Thanks for having the Forums.

B) Thanks for asking for input from the users, but as you can see by some of the replies so far---there is a reason why Baskin-Robbins has 31 Flavors...

C) Rather than 24 hour Patrol Duty for you, may I suggest something that is on another forum/Boards that I frequent? They have a Yellow Triangle at the bottom right hand of each post, and if some kookburger posts something from Planet kooky that is vulgar/obscene/treason/mutinee,etc., the other members/posters can click on the Yellow Triangle and get that post removed or edited by the Moderator. If you did that, then people could complain (for a good reason) to the moderator, without getting the wrath of the "offender"...

D) As per your moderating duties here---I'd suggest something very simple, easy to remember. I grew up around horses and guns and pick-up trucks and there is a code called "The Cowboy Code":

Ride Well, Shoot Straight, and always Speak the Truth!
Old 05-21-2008, 06:50 AM
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Just an FYI, but there is a report post function on the forum... little flag at the top right corner of each person's post.
Old 05-21-2008, 04:50 PM
Renee Renee is offline
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Thanks JaeByrd,
(post 23)

I didn't see that even with my glasses. I knew there was something there but I never touched it, or clicked on it. Old dogs can learn something new if we open our eyes or are instructed.

Old 05-22-2008, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by JaeByrd View Post
Just an FYI, but there is a report post function on the forum... little flag at the top right corner of each person's post.
...uuhh, do you mean the charcoal gray rectangular shape on the dark gray bar above the posts... {whisper "smiley" needed}

Whisper:----howz-about making the "flag" yellow or red like an automobile race track flag...? Right now it is very camoflaged--IMO.

{ But otherwise, for a new "forums" on the internet, Diligent is doing a pretty-good job of keeping some of the "obnoxious" folks at arms-length. Although, if I could make a would be to tell the posters that don't like the Authorized Version to "Take-a-hike"!}

Last edited by PB1789; 05-22-2008 at 02:10 PM.
Old 05-22-2008, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
...uuhh, do you mean the charcoal gray rectangular shape on the dark gray bar above the posts... {whisper "smiley" needed}

Whisper:----howz-about making the "flag" yellow or red like an automobile race track flag...? Right now it is very camoflaged--IMO.
Yes, the little grey flag on grey.

I think it is part of the lay out of the forum "scheme" and probably stuck that way. Every web forum I've seen has a report post function, it just never looks the same...
Old 08-13-2008, 02:17 PM
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Default forum policies

Personally there are just a few things that I would Ban someone over.

1. Personal slander

2. Vulgar post

3. Trying to start that Hebrew and/or Greek nonsense. This is in my opinion the worst of the three. If it takes root it will overrun a message board not to mention what it does to a new Christians faith in the Word of God. That happens enough in Bible Colleges today, you do not need that here.
Old 09-30-2008, 04:02 PM
Vendetta Ride
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As a newcomer, I really have no right to comment on forum policy, but I'd like to make one small point.

As I said in an introductory post, I was saved at age 19. I was immediately and subsequently "discipled" by some wonderful, precious saints who were not King James people. (The NASV had just been published, and all my mentors swore it was the very best translation, and thoroughly inculcated me with the "original Greek only" position.) But they did help me in my walk with Christ, and I thank my God upon every remembrance of them. (However, I haven't fellowshipped with them for years and years.) I just wish they'd told me the truth about the Bible.

Thirteen years after my conversion, I was finally shown the truth about the Authorized Version, and, needless to say, it revolutionized my life. The Bible became a new and exciting book to me; previously, I had juggled various translations, with the nagging question in my mind, "Why so many versions?" Now, I knew exactly and precisely what God had said.

So, here's the point: I really, really wish that a forum such as this had been available to me 'way back then. (Of course, that would have been impossible, because the Internet did not exist.) But it would have been a place where I could have asked questions - - - sincere questions, not "gotcha" questions - - - and found the truth. And, as a father and grandfather, I praise God that this site, and a few like it, are now available for younger folks who may be in the position I was in.

If someone comes in and asks questions, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're trying to cause division or challenge the KJB; it might just mean that they're ignorant, like I was. If this happens - - - and I doubt that it happens very often; most "new version" people are content with their pseudo-Bibles - - - then their sincere intentions should be pretty easy to discern.

As for scorners and strife-stirrers, I think that a "zero tolerance" policy is essential.

Thanks for your time. Having read this thread, and the forum FAQ, I think that Brother Brandon is handling things exactly as they should be handled.
Old 10-24-2008, 06:05 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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Hi Folks,

Generally I feel this is one of the best-moderated forums on the Net. I especially like how the wily coyote types are given enough grace and space to show their colors, and then, if they show themselves uninterested in real dialog and are only pushing weird agendas, are offered the left boot of un-forum-membership. Very solid, kewl.

However there are times (anyway, at least one) where a good back-door discussion might have helped keep a solid pro-KJB poster on this forum. A discussion on what I would consider a secondary issue (one I have never taken a stance on and I barely noticed at the time) degenerated into a personal bric-brac and then a boot, with a 'we won't discuss it' addendum. (The poster could have done better, for sure, in his approach.)

Ok, mods are mods, and that is fine. It's a hard job, with few accolades and perks, so the mod gets respect and really has to make the tuff decision.

However this thread exists as a place where to ask -- reconsider, try a private chat, go round 2, close the thread, allow for a cooling-off suspension rather than a ban in special cases. Find another way.

If somehow that dissonance could have been ironed out, very likely the forum would be that much stronger. And since this is the only generally solid pro-KJB and wide-ranging and well-moderated web forum (email forums are different) it would be nice if there was not unnecessary fracturing.

So my request is to consider whether, in special cases with pro-KJB posters, additional options and venues can be implemented, in order to avoid the absolute ban. And to consider one retroactive application.

Steven Avery
Old 10-25-2008, 12:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
As a newcomer, I really have no right to comment on forum policy, but I'd like to make one small point.

As I said in an introductory post, I was saved at age 19. I was immediately and subsequently "discipled" by some wonderful, precious saints who were not King James people. (The NASV had just been published, and all my mentors swore it was the very best translation, and thoroughly inculcated me with the "original Greek only" position.) But they did help me in my walk with Christ, and I thank my God upon every remembrance of them. (However, I haven't fellowshipped with them for years and years.) I just wish they'd told me the truth about the Bible.

Thirteen years after my conversion, I was finally shown the truth about the Authorized Version, and, needless to say, it revolutionized my life. The Bible became a new and exciting book to me; previously, I had juggled various translations, with the nagging question in my mind, "Why so many versions?" Now, I knew exactly and precisely what God had said.

So, here's the point: I really, really wish that a forum such as this had been available to me 'way back then. (Of course, that would have been impossible, because the Internet did not exist.) But it would have been a place where I could have asked questions - - - sincere questions, not "gotcha" questions - - - and found the truth. And, as a father and grandfather, I praise God that this site, and a few like it, are now available for younger folks who may be in the position I was in.

If someone comes in and asks questions, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're trying to cause division or challenge the KJB; it might just mean that they're ignorant, like I was. If this happens - - - and I doubt that it happens very often; most "new version" people are content with their pseudo-Bibles - - - then their sincere intentions should be pretty easy to discern.

As for scorners and strife-stirrers, I think that a "zero tolerance" policy is essential.

Thanks for your time. Having read this thread, and the forum FAQ, I think that Brother Brandon is handling things exactly as they should be handled.
Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
Hi Folks,

Generally I feel this is one of the best-moderated forums on the Net. I especially like how the wily coyote types are given enough grace and space to show their colors, and then, if they show themselves uninterested in real dialog and are only pushing weird agendas, are offered the left boot of un-forum-membership. Very solid, kewl.

However there are times (anyway, at least one) where a good back-door discussion might have helped keep a solid pro-KJB poster on this forum. A discussion on what I would consider a secondary issue (one I have never taken a stance on and I barely noticed at the time) degenerated into a personal bric-brac and then a boot, with a 'we won't discuss it' addendum. (The poster could have done better, for sure, in his approach.)

Ok, mods are mods, and that is fine. It's a hard job, with few accolades and perks, so the mod gets respect and really has to make the tuff decision.

However this thread exists as a place where to ask -- reconsider, try a private chat, go round 2, close the thread, allow for a cooling-off suspension rather than a ban in special cases. Find another way.

If somehow that dissonance could have been ironed out, very likely the forum would be that much stronger. And since this is the only generally solid pro-KJB and wide-ranging and well-moderated web forum (email forums are different) it would be nice if there was not unnecessary fracturing.

So my request is to consider whether, in special cases with pro-KJB posters, additional options and venues can be implemented, in order to avoid the absolute ban. And to consider one retroactive application.

Steven Avery
These are both good. I've often thought that it would be nice to be able to send doubters and resisters this way. I know they wouldn't last a week, but to give them a chance to ask questions would be good. Perhaps a shark tank would be something worth having, where we could limit some folks to? Perhaps it wouldn't work, I'm no expert on running forums by any means. But having some place where those that have recieved one of my seeds of doubt (against the perVersions) can go to ask questions of real human beings would likely help some people make the decision to go KJBO.

Much Love in Christ,

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