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Old 05-27-2009, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by CKG View Post
I tried to find it free on the internet (sorry, Dave) but no luck. I wasn't aware of this video. I have LOVED Dave Hunt since I became a christian in Portland, OR (Dave is close by in Bend, OR). His writings helped me to: put to rest my doubts about eternal security, the character of God, and my own salvation; see the slanderous lies of Calvinism against God's character. Years ago, his books taught me about apostasy in the church, occultism creeping into the churches, the problem with christian psychology, the new age movement, occultism in it's many forms...suffice it to say this man has had more influence on me than any other Bible teacher.

The only thing I can recall ever having disagreed with him on is when I heard him say, and this is from memory but it's pretty close to what he said, "I just can't believe that angels mated with human women before the flood". Any person that takes a position based on "I just can't believe" does not have an open mind and may miss the truth of the matter altogether. I am interested to find out what Dave's position is on UFO's/aliens vis a vis the Nephalim.

I have also always wished that Dave would have taken a stronger stand for the KJV and against corrupted versions.
Thanks for posting this.

Last edited by greenbear; 05-27-2009 at 08:55 AM.
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Old 05-27-2009, 01:56 PM
Winman Winman is offline
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In fact, I don't believe in aliens or spaceships. As I said in my last post, there are things that we don't know about - inventions, stuff the government hides from us, the ability to cloak objects (yes it is REAL) and make them actually "disappear" although they are still there. Such things are invented for a purpose - which may not be a good one.

Still my trust is in the Lord and His Word.
Well, I don't believe there is life on other planets either, never have. The Bible says Eve is the mother of all living.

Gen 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

I take this verse to mean that Eve was the mother of "mankind" or any type that could be considered a person or man. She of course was not the mother of animals or other type of life.

I also believe the military has secret aircraft and experiments, that is obvious. But I do not believe most UFO sightings are secret military experimental aircraft.

For one, if you are trying to keep an aircraft secret, why would you fly it over populated areas? Why would you fly it at night adorned with bright flashing lights? Why would you perform very unusual manuvers that everyone would surely notice?

No, truth is, UFOs want to be seen. If you want everybody to see you, just fly over their city at night time with bright flashing lights of many colors as many thousands of UFOs have been reported.

The first UFO I saw flew right over my head in broad daylight. I don't know if anybody else saw it, but I lived in a fairly large town. The second UFO was right over the beach where many people could easily see it. The third UFO I saw was flying no more than 100 feet above a major highway just outside a major city with lights on at night.

I am no expert, but I grew up around the military, my father worked on very sensitive and secret technology. And I know this, the military does not fly secret technology over a major city at night at tree top level with lights on.

This is what is so amazing about these objects. They act as though they are trying to fly around undetected. If a plane is sent up, they speed away. Or if people on the ground see one, they mysteriously disappear into thin air (vanish), or speed away at incredible speeds. They have been observed to dive into the ocean and even the ground at tremendous speed without an explosion or any damage to the craft. They accelerate to many thousands of MPH (have been measured on radar numerous times) without creating a sonic boom. They do acrobatic manuvers in the air, often in groups with no detected communications between themselves.

So, in reality, they are not trying to be secretive whatsoever. They want us to see them. They could fly across the sky at altitude with no lights and no one would ever see them. But what do they do? They have all sorts of bright and colored lights, and they perform amazing manuvers that no made made object can do. They defy the laws of nature.

So, they want to be seen. The question is WHY?
Old 05-27-2009, 06:11 PM
KingSolomon1611 KingSolomon1611 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
There is a new series on the History Channel called UFO Hunters, it's a pretty straightforward documentary... they interview a lot of police officers, commercial pilots and military personnel... anyway, a few days ago they had some video footage on there taken over an airport that was REALLY strange... to me it sounds very similar to what Winman saw, if I can find it I will put up a link.
I'm a police officer myself and have been for around 5 years. I know two other officers who claim that they have saw them. One was on duty somewhere around 15 years ago or so. He was in a rural area in Alabama and observed a black/charcoal metallic looking object that was around a mile in area and triangular in shape. He stated that it shown a bright light into his vehicle. The officer I currently work with was off duty one night on Alabama Highway 91 and saw a triangular shaped object giving off what I think he said was an orange-ish color. He pulled over and tried to take a picture off it with his phone camera but his phone would not work at all.
Old 05-27-2009, 06:49 PM
KingSolomon1611 KingSolomon1611 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Okay here is a simple question for all of you; have any of you seen one of these things since you were saved and grounded in God's Word?
I was saved in 1994. Started studying the Bible in 1998 and saw the UFOs in 2002.
Old 05-27-2009, 08:57 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Winman View Post
This is what is so amazing about these objects. They act as though they are trying to fly around undetected. If a plane is sent up, they speed away. Or if people on the ground see one, they mysteriously disappear into thin air (vanish), or speed away at incredible speeds. They have been observed to dive into the ocean and even the ground at tremendous speed without an explosion or any damage to the craft. They accelerate to many thousands of MPH (have been measured on radar numerous times) without creating a sonic boom. They do acrobatic manuvers in the air, often in groups with no detected communications between themselves.

So, in reality, they are not trying to be secretive whatsoever. They want us to see them. They could fly across the sky at altitude with no lights and no one would ever see them. But what do they do? They have all sorts of bright and colored lights, and they perform amazing manuvers that no made made object can do. They defy the laws of nature.

So, they want to be seen. The question is WHY?
Yes, that is a good question brother...
Old 05-27-2009, 08:59 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by KingSolomon1611 View Post
I'm a police officer myself and have been for around 5 years. I know two other officers who claim that they have saw them. One was on duty somewhere around 15 years ago or so. He was in a rural area in Alabama and observed a black/charcoal metallic looking object that was around a mile in area and triangular in shape. He stated that it shown a bright light into his vehicle. The officer I currently work with was off duty one night on Alabama Highway 91 and saw a triangular shaped object giving off what I think he said was an orange-ish color. He pulled over and tried to take a picture off it with his phone camera but his phone would not work at all.
King, thank you very much... that is very interesting, I did not know your were a police officer. I'm trying to recall brother, did you give a detailed review here if the UFO which you saw in 2002, I may have missed that post...
Old 05-27-2009, 11:00 PM
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I did on the Pensacola Bound thread. I'll cut and paste it over to this one.
Old 05-27-2009, 11:01 PM
KingSolomon1611 KingSolomon1611 is offline
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My wife and I went to the beach ever-so-often when we lived in Pensacola. It was kind of romantic and a way for us to have fun musing on God's creation. Now before the sitting I had already read a few books on the subject and even listened to and read Ruckman's material on them.

The thought of UFO's were on my mind when we went to the beach at night a lot of times but I never really expected to see anything. Then one night my wife and I were on the beach and saw what we thought was a "shooting star". Then we saw another come from just about the same area a few minutes later. Then we saw another from the same area again. By this time my eyes were locked in on that area when I noticed what looked like three objects that looked like the stars and kind of blended in with the other stars but these were in a triangle shape.

I noticed the bottom right "star" doing around in a small circular rotation that looked the movement on a knuckle ball. I kept staring at it intently and scanned my eyes back and forth around the area just to make sure that the cloud cover wasn't causing the appearance. After watching it for a few moments I realized that this thing was actually moving. I pointed it out to my wife and it took her breath away.

The triangle shaped trio then began to enlarge and shrink their triangle pattern numerous times. The one at the bottom right disappeared and then reappeared a little to the left of the original position and then flickered back to its original position numerous times. We also observed what appeared to be more "shooting stars" come from what appeared to be this triangle. This went on from 20-40 something minutes.

My wife was in such unbelief that she nearly had herself talked out of what we had just witnessed for that extended time period. When we left the triangle was still visible but seemed to have settled down.

It was a very interesting experience
Old 05-28-2009, 12:19 AM
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Originally Posted by greenbear View Post
I tried to find it free on the internet (sorry, Dave) but no luck. I wasn't aware of this video. I have LOVED Dave Hunt since I became a christian in Portland, OR (Dave is close by in Bend, OR). His writings helped me to: put to rest my doubts about eternal security, the character of God, and my own salvation; see the slanderous lies of Calvinism against God's character. Years ago, his books taught me about apostasy in the church, occultism creeping into the churches, the problem with christian psychology, the new age movement, occultism in it's many forms...suffice it to say this man has had more influence on me than any other Bible teacher.

The only thing I can recall ever having disagreed with him on is when I heard him say, and this is from memory but it's pretty close to what he said, "I just can't believe that angels mated with human women before the flood". Any person that takes a position based on "I just can't believe" does not have an open mind and may miss the truth of the matter altogether. I am interested to find out what Dave's position is on UFO's/aliens vis a vis the Nephalim.

I have also always wished that Dave would have taken a stronger stand for the KJV and against corrupted versions.
Thanks for posting this.
Sister, Dave is not the only one who don;t believe angels mated with human women. We had a discussion of it based on Scripture, here in the forum, there are several factors don't sit right. I mean it makes a great scifi/horror story, but I don't see the purpose or even any evidence that God created angels with genitalia or would even allow them to do this with human women. Too many KJV believers who would never go to the Greek or Hebrew go to the Hebrew with the "nephilim" and "fallen ones". Like fervent KJV defender Dr. Ruckman goes to the Hebrew on the "gap" theory. The teaching is that the son's of God, who were angels, made wives of women, and produced giants. Then on of them was a relative of one of Noah's daughter in laws or possibly his wife, as it says also "after that". These giants were "mighty" and men of "renown". "renown" is defined in the Scriptures as "famous" most of all, and not necessarily evil. I think here are the roots of Jupiter, Zeus, Apollo, famous men who were later worshipped as gods. Paul says there are things that become sound doctrine and then there are fables. I think the Legend Of The Fornicating Angels is a fable, like "Lilith", the demon wife of Adam, or Satan copulating with Eve to produce Cain..

Dave Hunt was a pretty solid NIV man who used the KJV to support maybe a better reading of something he wanted to say. He was a Cherry-Pecker, like I have seen Gloria Copeland do with 5 versions of the bible on a podium. First book I ever read was The God Makers, about Mormons. I think he's old, physically ill(prostate cancer) and tired. He made the statement that even though he has not read Gail Ripplinger's books defending the KJV, she is still wrong. Real erudite scholarship. Though I have never met you, I think you are too tall for a woman.

We admire men and women of the faith, nearly always they will let us down some wayor other. Even I, a walking Scriptural encyclopedia, am not always right, yet I am never wrong

Grace and peace

Old 05-28-2009, 12:39 AM
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Originally Posted by KingSolomon1611 View Post
I'm a police officer myself and have been for around 5 years. I know two other officers who claim that they have saw them. One was on duty somewhere around 15 years ago or so. He was in a rural area in Alabama and observed a black/charcoal metallic looking object that was around a mile in area and triangular in shape. He stated that it shown a bright light into his vehicle. The officer I currently work with was off duty one night on Alabama Highway 91 and saw a triangular shaped object giving off what I think he said was an orange-ish color. He pulled over and tried to take a picture off it with his phone camera but his phone would not work at all.
Solomon, I am waiting to hear from someone who is linked to the Center For Ufo Studies in Indiana, Hynek's organization, but it's possible I may have my 4th UFO sighting, and a local Sheriff deputy and I witnessed it together about a month ago. We both followed the object from one spot in town to the other in our vehicles, it then disappeared out of town. As Win said, it seemed to want to be seen. From the little detail we could see it was an upside down triangle, like a long arrowhead facing downward. The lights were very piercing but not bright, if that's understandable. They blinked in with a certain regularity but changed positions and all were grouped into triangular configurations of 3 lights. The color of the lights were consistent, white with a muted pale yellow cast to them. I've never seen lights like that before in my life. I live near a very well known military base where...foreign aircraft and technology are tested. I've seen Mig 29s and SU-27 aircraft fly over this base, and before the Soviets became our buddies in 1991. I've seen MI-24 Soviet attack choppers at both day and night, and nearly every kind of plane and chopper you can imagine. I never saw anything like this in the sky, just like the three previous UFOs. The officer asked me as I pulled up, do you see that? I said yeah. He said, you ever seen lights look that weird, I said no. The lights would blink and then go off, when they came on again the object had moved, based on my trained estimate of altitude, it was at about 1000 feet and he estimated it moving at about 40 mph. I jokingly said, hit it with your speed radar but he got no reading.

It didn't make a sound.

You tell me buddy.

Grace and peace


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