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Old 08-11-2008, 07:20 PM
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Default Whose fault is it?

Hell everyone I have a question that I would like your take on...

Going door to door I meet a LOT of people and we discuss the scriptures, salvation etc..

This has happened to me too many times to count.

Go to someones house and discuss Christianity and here is how the discussion goes...

Q: What church do you attend?

A: Oh we attend so and so baptist church, we have been going there about 20 years.(smiling and making eye contact the whole time)

Q: Thats you are saved and you know you are going to heaven?

A; Oh yes we are saved and baptized, even taught Sunday school, been going there for about 20 years.(still smiling and eye contact is still on)

Q: Well its great to hear that its good to see someone faithful in the support of their church ( their smile broadens)

By the way can you tell me how to be saved?

A: ( eyes shift to the left...right...down..any direction but yours, smile went the way of the $2 bill)

Uh.....ummmm....welllll you have to be a good person...and um believe in Jesus Christ...and yes, yes go to church. I was baptized...I have been going every Sunday and Wednesday for 20 years.

Tentative smile, still no eye contact, feet shuffling and they make a break away to do something they forgot.

Out of talking to around 100 people ,maybe 2 can give a decent explanation on salvation and none have any knowledge of anything else except their "feelings".

Whose fault is it?

The church?
The church member?
The Pastor?
Lack understanding of their Bible?
Me for asking?

What do you think, I know I can not be the only one seeing this...
Old 08-12-2008, 02:49 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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A combination of them all except the last sadly. I personally blame the ecumenical movement, where Salvation and Soulwinning is preached less and less and "lets all get along" is preached more and more. Social Gospel has overtaken "Word" in many many churches and the grasp of the Holy Scripture in reference to saving someones precious soul is a rarity in many professed Christians. Personally, I believe its the mixture of different Bibles, Folks are hearing something read out that dosent quite match what their Bible says and then they ask the person beside them what theirs says and finds again that its also different! As a "babe in Christ" this only can lead to confusion over His Holy Word. Confusion about what you are reading certainly wont inspire confidence to preach that Saving Grace of Our LORD to someone else.
Preach the SAME THING, read the SAME THING.... No Division.

I am not as Mighty in Scripture as some, But I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!!

In My Redeemers name. The LORD Jesus Christ.
Old 08-12-2008, 11:22 AM
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I would say the pastor's fault and if not the pastor it is their own fault for not listening in church or reading their Bible.
Old 08-12-2008, 02:38 PM
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Default Whose fault is it?

Believe me I have seen this and heard of this everywhere. It like they listen to sermons and retain nothing because they lead no one to Christ THAT is what church is for. Invite someone to church yes, lead them to Christ no.
Old 08-12-2008, 03:22 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Sadly people go to Church to be entertained now more than they go to listen to the Gospel.

Just noticed that you forgot the o in Hello in your First post lol. Im certain this is a typo but quite ironic considering the forum this is hehe. You can only edit posts 5 mins after posting I think.

In My Saviour's name, Jesus Christ.

Last edited by peopleoftheway; 08-12-2008 at 03:24 PM. Reason: typo
Old 08-12-2008, 03:32 PM
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swordsman swordsman is offline
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Default Whose fault is it?

Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post

Just noticed that you forgot the o in Hello in your First post lol. Im certain this is a typo but quite ironic considering the forum this is hehe. You can only edit posts 5 mins after posting I think.

In My Saviour's name, Jesus Christ.

That was a typo... sorry
Old 08-12-2008, 03:30 PM
M Paul
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Knowing how to witness to someone about the salvation of Jesus Christ requires an anointing. But very often anointings require giving up looking at life as a natural man, as a person of the world. And Christians who want to retain a natural man perspective, those who never will leave a milk-fed diet, rise in authority in the church and become teachers. The more influence they have, the more confusing things become, and a lot about being spiritual gets lost.

Christians who understand how to witness under an anointing are attacked by "natural man" church leaders... like the Pharisees who said Jesus was influenced by Satan. Eventually, circumstances develop that even the basics on what is involved with telling someone about salvation cannot be taught, as even the church leadership doesn't understand what is involved well enough. (Circumstances?? -- coming out of "natural man" Christians who are quite jealous of anyone who has a spiritual anointing).

But it's the anointing that counts. We have to pray for the anointing, even when that means having to acquire a whole new way of thinking about life and the world.

M Paul
Old 08-21-2008, 03:43 AM
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Humanism. That's your answer. Humanism has slipped into our churches. So somewhere back in the Baptist church in the senario you gave, the pastor didn't confront the false teaching, but here is the kicker. That pastor may have been humanistically trained at his Bible College or seminary and didn't even now it. Fundimentalism's articles of faith became a litmis test for salvation. If you believe all the points, you have to be saved. This isn't the case. Paul believed all the points in his religion, but missed the biggest one until the Road to Dimascus.

Some of the most "spiritual" people in yours, mine, and many other churches may be living a performance based Christian life. They are whited seplicures without even knowing it sometimes. The Bible says that there will be few that find the narrow way. Does it not. Religious living is a very sneaky false teaching. Paul battled it in all his churches; especially Galacia. He asked are you soon so far removed. So decades ago churches allowed humanistic beliefs to enter their churches.

What is humanistic thinking? "I think" "I feel" compaired to "the Bible Says" "God says".
Old 08-21-2008, 01:55 PM
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Default Jesus said...

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).

Keep preaching the Word!

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