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Old 02-20-2008, 04:31 PM
sting of truth
Posts: n/a
Default good, solid, accurate books for the king james bible

i was wondering if you fine people could recommend a few good solid books all about defending the kjv, and also proving why it is the word of God in english.. so far my books about the kjv is limited to the answer book by sam gipp, and answers to your bible version questions by david daniels. i'm on a really tight budget, and want to get books that are reccomended by people who are sticklers for biblical accuracy like me. so any books you guys could reccomend would be greatly appreciated. just make sure these books are easy to read, and understand and are not totally boring seeing as how i'm going to be lending these out to people, and reading them myself. and make sure the books aren't way out there i don't want the books to be dismissed because the author is a little cuckoo

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