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Old 07-21-2009, 11:20 PM
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Amanda S. Amanda S. is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 177

Wow...I am sure that post took awhile to type out!

You certainly did a great job of showing how disjointed my question and reasoning was! LoL

In post #28 I clarified my jumble thoughts and rephrased the question. The others discoursing with me seemed able to understand what I was wishing to discuss. Sorry you got lost in the mess!

Remember where you did a long post and stated that through many of the posts you were "learning"?? That is what I was doing here.

I have no interest in this thread at the moment because Bro. Paul and Bro. Forrest did a fine job of reconciling all the Scriptures.

Thanks though for all the verses you posted! Praise the Lord for His unspeakable gift. Amen!?

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