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Old 03-23-2009, 06:29 PM
Just_A_Thought's Avatar
Just_A_Thought Just_A_Thought is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 105

Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Parish,

Your absolutely right - of course there are heroes (saved and lost). After all, the word "hero" is a legitimate English word. We can appreciate heroes and heroism in people. What we, as Christians, are not to do is "worship" heroes!

The Holy Bible clearly teaches that God is NOT a "respecter of persons" [Job 36:19, 37:23-24; 2Samuel 14:14; 2Chronicles 19:7; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25; 1Peter 1:17 ]; and it instructs God's people not to engage in "respect of persons" - before the Law [Job 13:10, Job 31:16-23, 32:21-22, 34:19 ]; during the Law [Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:17, 16:19; Proverbs 24:23, 28:21]; and during this age of Grace [James 2:1, 9].

Considering all of the Christian "celebrities" out there, there sure is a whole lot of "respect of persons" going on in Christian circles today!

On the other hand, "Just a Thought's" frivolous and unfounded charges are just one more example of his trying to stir up "controversy" amongst the brethren, which gives him another opportunity to point fingers and play the "victim".
Ummm...I have been trying to stir up trouble? When? I have challange KJVOism in the past and found no one like to debate. Everyone seems to get mad. So I dropped it. Have you not noticed I am not posting anything regarding different versions or anything of that nature.

This thread is not trying to stir up trouble either. I got the thought that everyone like Ruckman so much due to the excitement about the Ruckman Reference Bible coming out (or may be out). I figured it would be a good topic for the chit-chat forum. You need to give a guy a break once in a while and stop accussing people of things they are not doing. If you think I am nothing but trouble then don't read my posts. If you do continue to read my posts and disagree then post why. I will treat you with respect no matter how you treat me to the best of my ability. I am not perfect so I can get nasty to but I try not to. This is something I have failed at much in the past but have been diligently working on.

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