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Old 05-14-2009, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Mathew Ward View Post
Actually I think it would mean that you believe that God has preserved His word through this linage of manuscripts.
Why would it mean that..

You would have to be B.O. to believe that (Byzantine Only) or something else. And that stinks!

The TR is a greek New Testament. IT has nothing to do with the old testament. And so to be TRO, would also mean one rejects the OT. So TRO doesn't exist. Really, TRO is scholarship-only when it comes down to it, even if they prefer the KJB as an english translation (which would negate the ONLY bit of the TRO).

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Old 05-14-2009, 06:52 PM
ChaplainPaul ChaplainPaul is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
By the way, welcome, Mathew!

With ChaplainPaul and you now posting here, I don't know of many left over at FFF's Version Forum. It appears that the hecklers have stunk the place up so badly there that most decent folks have about quit posting. There are a few souls left there who have not bowed the knee to baal, but it is no 7000!

We fight here every so often, but it is a family feud.
If they're there, they're silent. I asked in a thread, and only 2-3 responded**, and they don't normally post in that area anyway.

And Greetings, Matthew!

Last edited by ChaplainPaul; 05-14-2009 at 06:54 PM. Reason: ** Who weren't hecklers, I mean.
Old 05-14-2009, 07:04 PM
ChaplainPaul ChaplainPaul is offline
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Why would it mean that..

You would have to be B.O. to believe that (Byzantine Only) or something else. And that stinks!

The TR is a greek New Testament. IT has nothing to do with the old testament. And so to be TRO, would also mean one rejects the OT. So TRO doesn't exist. Really, TRO is scholarship-only when it comes down to it, even if they prefer the KJB as an english translation (which would negate the ONLY bit of the TRO).

The OT differences are all but ignored. The main argument is the differences in the NT. I don't think people want to look like they're rejecting the OT. Someone who says they are TRO is not making a statement on the OT.

(...and I have got to make a list of these acronyms...I keep getting mixed-up...I first thought P.O.T.W. stood for "President of the World..." TYVM?)
Old 05-14-2009, 07:16 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Well all I can say is...
The KJV FWIW ITPW, and furthermore, IWALTS anyone who says the KJV INTPW is simply AWAL spiritually speaking. IOW these SAW references AGALS. Do you CGMM?
Old 05-14-2009, 07:22 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well all I can say is...
The KJV FWIW ITPW, and furthermore, IWALTS anyone who says the KJV INTPW is simply AWAL spiritually speaking. IOW these SAW references AGALS. Do you CGMM?
Are you eating marbles again Brother ?
Old 05-14-2009, 07:25 PM
ChaplainPaul ChaplainPaul is offline
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well all I can say is...
The KJV FWIW ITPW, and furthermore, IWALTS anyone who says the KJV INTPW is simply AWAL spiritually speaking. IOW these SAW references AGALS. Do you CGMM?
Oh, brother!
Old 05-14-2009, 08:13 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Greektim View Post
That is a toughie. Other questions...
Who had the perfect words of God (all of them) to the exclusion to others?
When was the first compilation of the GNT?
When was the first compilation of a perfect GNT (the one reflecting the originals exactly and purely)?
When was the first compilation of the NT in a translation that was perfect?

Please know...I am not asking these questions to stir trouble. I am honestly seeking to know how the KJVO would answer this. I can truthfully say that I do not know your view on this and am legitimately wanting to know. So please don't blast me for asking.
Greektim, I feel like you are trying to stir trouble, because like many of the Bible correctors you seem to want to ASK questions but not ANSWER them. I have now asked you THREE TIMES to reply to my question below, are you unable to explain your position?

Originally Posted by Winman
Do you have all the faithful (and how do you determine that?) translations to the HOT & GNT? In other words, do you have and possess the complete Word of God yourself?
Originally Posted by Greektim
I don't have ALL reliable translations.
I'm too poor
Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish
Greektim, do you think that in order to for a man to have the complete Word of God he would need MULTIPLE translations?
Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish
Hey Greektim, I don't think you ever answered my question back in post no. 36; I put it in bold above in case you missed it. As I understand it, you are suggesting that in order to for a man to have the complete Word of God he would need enough money to purchase a COLLECTION of what you consider to be reliable translations, is that what you are saying...
Old 05-14-2009, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Greektim, I feel like you are trying to stir trouble, because like many of the Bible correctors you seem to want to ASK questions but not ANSWER them. I have now asked you THREE TIMES to reply to my question below, are you unable to explain your position?
I am seeing various questions asking various things. Let me just ask...what is it exactly you would like to know? Please forgive me for not answering you. I will seek to do better in the future.

And I promise that I was not trying to stir trouble in my above questions. I was very curious.
Old 05-14-2009, 08:25 PM
Bro. Parrish
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My question is clearly posted TWICE in no. 127 above.
Old 05-14-2009, 11:31 PM
ChaplainPaul ChaplainPaul is offline
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Originally Posted by Greektim View Post
I am seeing various questions asking various things. Let me just ask...what is it exactly you would like to know? Please forgive me for not answering you. I will seek to do better in the future.

And I promise that I was not trying to stir trouble in my above questions. I was very curious.
How about a direct answer any of the questions? You're making your promise ring a bit hollow. Do you need help reading Bro. Parrish's post?

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