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"Linguistic scholars have observed that Codex Vaticanus is reminiscent of classical and Platonic Greek, not Koine Greek of the New Testament (see Adolf Deissman's Light of the Ancient East). Nestle admitted that he had to change his Greek text (when using Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) to make it "appear" like Koine Greek." "Codex Vaticanus contains the false Roman Catholic apocryphal books such as Judith, Tobias, and Baruch, while it omits the pastoral epistles (I Timothy through Titus), the Book of Revelation, and it cuts off the Book of Hebrews at Hebrews 9:14 (a very convenient stopping point for the Catholic Church, since God forbids their priesthood in Hebrews 10 and exposes the mass as totally useless as well!)" http://www.1611kingjamesbible.com/codex_vaticanus.html/ That last part is not relevant but I had to leave it in just for fun... ![]() "Linguistic scholars have observed that the Vaticanus is classical and Platonic Greek, not the Koine Greek of the New Testament. Codicologists note that the Vaticanus was written on vellum scrolls (skin obtained from animals not yet born), and not papyrus codices, as were used among "the early Christians." The Vaticanus omits crucial parts of Mark and Luke. Theologians question its lack of use by anyone for 1300 years, then its "sudden" discovery in the Vatican in 1481. Protestant researches have never been permitted to examine the actual manuscript and work only from copies provided by the Vatican." http://ecclesia.org/truth/nt_manuscripts.html |
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Grace and peace to you Tony |
Thanks, guys. You solved the question that I had about the koine I found in my uncial's attic. It was left there by the three blind mice!
![]() ![]() ![]() ----- Sorry. I'm in that kind of mood today. |
LOL, okay Brother Tim---sorry, I just have to take a swipe at the Pope's so-called "Bible" every now and then... vats and cans and VATICANUS---they always attract a few flies you know...
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Grace and Peace brother Tony ![]() |
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![]() Glaze and Peas ynoT |
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As the line soldiers, as it were, the blue collar Christians, the study of dead languages as Biblical Hebrew, Latin, Koine'/Attic Greek, Coptic, Goth, Saxon, or Aramaic/Chaldee/Syriac is not efficatious to the ministry of reconciliation commanded by Paul. The canon of the OT was decided by the Levites around 400 BC, the canon of the NT was decided by one of the Twelve Apostles, most likely John. We employ binary logic in that the paradox of the early Alexandrian/late Majority text witnesses point to the Alexandrian being herectical and rejected, as literally thousand of copies of this text should be extant in competition to the Majority texts. It's simple digital logic and the practice of the saying, You Are Known By The Company You Keep. If the KJV is the most hated Bible of the Catholic Church, then it must be the right one, as just one measure of it's authenticity. It was the flagship of the most successful wing of the Reformation, the English, the last wing to give in to Rome. In 1611 for the first time the Scriptures were given to everyone without regard for ethnicity, creed, financial standing, and this gift of the Scriptures had the backing of the most powerful nation in the world at the time. If honesty is the issue, we have to tally the souls put into Christ since 1611 by the preaching of the KJV as the words of God versus its competitor, the Alexandrian-backed counterfeits. My own personal opinion is that if God breaths through the KJV, he must wheeze through the NIV. I notice from your website you have categorized all things theological into neat little rows, Am I correct in assuming you are Calvinist? Sublapsarian, supralapsarian, or infralapsarian? I also notice you are anti-progressive dispensationalist. Oh boy, you and me are gonna have some fun. I studied under the ministry of Pastor Richard Jordan, who was sacked as the President of The Berean Bible Society, Cornelious Stam and "the dry cleaners". Jordan was dumped when he stated the only Bible to be used by the Bereans would be the KJV. I am looking forward to further discussions with you brother. Grace and peace. Tony |
I am not a Calvinist. I tend to find myself in agreement with the Free Grace movement of the Free Grace Alliance (not to be confused w/ the Grace Evangelical Society). Boy, I thought titles and labels were supposed to shorten not lengthen.
You are right about the PD issue. I am what I call a "Refined/Strict Dispensationalist." In fact, I am hoping to publish an article in the Journal of Dispensational Theology on a PD related issue. I would love to talk about it. |
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Tim, the best word to describe me and my fellow dispensationalists is we call ourselves Pauline Dispensationalists, and stick without moving to the defined ages as Paul decsribes in Ephesians 3: Times Past, But Now, Ages To Come. Paul is saying to me that this present "Grace Age", "Church Age". "churchoftheonebody", whatever you wish to call it, is a great Parenthetical Age not prophesied and kept hid in God and revealed to no one but Paul. None of the Twelve knew of it. None of the OT prophets knew of it. We look back on a complete canon of Scripture and see what was past, what is now, and what is to come. If Luther had adopted this theology, then James, Paul, Hebrews, and Leviticus would harmonize perfectly. There are no mistakes, mistranslations, or contradiction in the KJV to me, nor are there any doctrinal mysteries as I can see now what was, what is now, and what is to come. Genesis-Acts 28:Times Past Romans-Philemon: But Now Hebrews Revelation: Ages To Come While Bullinger tried to whittle down the exact nanosecond the Body of Christ began, he was left with the belief only the books of Galatians, Ephesians, Phlippians, and Colossians were doctrinally applicable Church Age doctrine. I believe he was in error. I believe Romans-Philemon is applicable today, though all Scripture is profitable for doctrine. I am what many hardcase Baptists call a "church splittin' hyperdispensationalist dry cleaner". I'm none of the three. I am dripping wet in the Blood of Jesus Christ. If I am hyper anything, it's hyperevangelistic. I did not join this forum to worm my way in unawares to preach the Pauline doctrine of right division. I joined this forum for fellowship, and found it, abundantly, and to add my voice to the defense of the Scriptures. Every day it seems someone tries to worm their way in either as an Alexandrian Bible Corrector or teaching some bizarre cult, or to place folks back under the Law. With the indulgence of the others here I'll discuss the Grace Believer's doctrines on tongues, signs, wonders, water baptism, the Great Commission Vs The Ministry Of Reconciliation. Your, and their, meat is Baptist, I do not want to offend anyone with my meat. Let not my levity be misconstrued as sarcasm, today was a good day, I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy my family is well, I'm happy to be in Christ. Grace and peace to you Tim. Tony |
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