Originally Posted by boaz212
Hi Tony, thanks for the additional links. I will be very busy for a while. Peopleoftheway, thanks so much for the chart, now I have to figure out how to print it out. 
Tim, I concur with POTW and he gave you advice cannot be topped. Read Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and then read the most type-rich book of all Paul's letters, Philemon, if you want to systematized Paul's "theology", Philemon is the capstone of Grace Age doctrine, the substitute. Note how Paul offers to pay for whatever Onesimus stole, Paul was innocent of any theft but made the conviction of repaying it himself, as Christ did for us. Imagine Onesimus returning with this letter himself after fleeing from Philemon, after stealing from him, and Paul's begging Philemon to accept Onesimus as a brother now, not a servant. The book is rich, my friend, I wrote a paper in college on it and just could not stop running references. Read these books to be grounded in who you are and where you are and remember brother George's advice in another thread: We can get so embroiled in the battle
for the Bible we get our eyes of the front line: Soldiers for Christ. Make Him the center of all you do, all you study, because that is what the Scriptures are all about. We are not representatives for The Dean Burgon Society though I thank God for them, but ambassadors for Christ, ministers of the reconciliation.
Grace and peace and we are here to help you anytime we can.