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Old 06-16-2009, 07:57 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines
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Paul has revelation after Acts 10 you can't superimpose that back onto John.

How about telling us a little about your self?

You seem to frequent FFF. So tell us, who you are? from what I gleaned you have a job, your a male and a Baptist. is that all true?

what is your real name? do you have a web page we can visit? tell us a little about your background what do you do for a Living?

How about telling us your testimony. Like Preio53 you jumped into this forum never introducing yourself and got right in on a hot issue of the Gap theory.

So how about it?


don't waste your time with Winman he will just keep going around in circles.

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