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Old 09-15-2008, 01:40 PM
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our country is not "exempt" from God's judgment.
You are right, George! And I am afraid that a good whuppin' is about due us.
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Old 09-15-2008, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
You are right, George! And I am afraid that a good whuppin' is about due us.
Aloha brother Tim,

Sad to say brother, but what we "SOW" - we must "REAP"!

Here is a sample news item (a quote from Israel's "PRIME MINISTER" - no less!) from "Arutz Sheva" {} Underlines and bold are mine - G.A.:

Olmert: ‘Forget Greater Israel’
by Ze'ev Ben-Yechiel

( "The notion of a Greater Israel no longer exists, and anyone who still believes in it is deluding themselves," said Ehud Olmert, in what is likely to be his last cabinet meeting as Prime Minister.
"Forty years after the Six Day War ended, we keep finding excuses not to act. This isn't doing Israel any good,” said Olmert to the members of his cabinet.
Olmert warned that unless Israel gives up more land, it will face pressure from overseas to grant all PA Arabs citizenship in a single state of two nationalities. “The international community in starting to view Israel as a future binational state. We can prove that we have been more creative than the other side through the years, and that they have been more obstinate, but as usual, we will win the debate by not losing sight of what's really important.”
The Prime Minister warned that “time is not on Israel’s side, not because our cause isn’t just, but because time has its own repercussions.” Olmert did not specify what those repercussions were, nor did he explain why he believed that Israel was incapable of dealing with them.
Olmert was once known as a hawkish politician reluctant to give up land. "I admit – this hasn’t always been my position. In the past I've said that what he agreed to in Camp David was wrong.” Olmert he confessed in the meeting that he used to believe in a Greater Israel.
"I used to believe that everything from the Jordan Riverbank to the Mediterranean Sea was ours. After all, dig anywhere and you'll find Jewish history. But eventually, after great internal conflict, I've realized we have to share this land with the people who dwell here – that is if we don’t want to be a binational state," said Olmert.
The Prime Minister called to attention the strength of Israel, and refuted the notion that a smaller Israel, created by withdrawal from Jewish land liberated in 1967, would increase the threat to Israel’s security.
"No other nation is as strong and no other nation in the Middle East can rival us. The strategic threats we face have nothing to do with where we draw our borders.
"We can argue about every single detail, but when we finally hash out an agreement we may find we no longer have the international community's backing, or a partner {Read: U.S.A. - G.A.} for that matter. We'll be left with nothing but the feeling that once again, as for the past 40 years, we were right.”
Olmert continued that it would be better off dealing with the threats that he admits will exist “across the security fence” than “cementing the notion of a binational state in the international community's mind," hinting at his support for total withdrawal to west of the fence, as well as his belief that the international community has the power to decide Israel’s future.
Olmert referred to Judea and Samaria, the heartland of Biblical Israel, as “a hill here or there.”
“We have to ask ourselves is losing a hill here or there, is worth forfeiting the chance to achieve something. This is why I say that this is the time to discuss the evacuation-compensation . We have to keep pushing it, and eventually bring it before the government,” he noted, referring a proposal put forth by Chaim Ramon, former Minister of Injustice and current Vice-Premier.
Olmert’s comments to the cabinet came after heated discussion on Ramon’s bill, in which the government would offer Israeli families living in Judea and Samaria 1.1 million NIS to abandon their houses and live elsewhere in Israel. Ramon, now Minister-Without-Portfolio with responsibility for state policy, resigned three months after being appointed by Olmert as Minister of Justice in 2006 following his indictment on charges of sexual assault.
The Prime Minister felt confident that sooner or later every Israeli will come around to share this view.
A day will come, probably sooner than some are willing to admit, that all of us will be willing to embrace the same solutions that some of us are rejecting right now.”
Does anyone "doubt" that the Lord Jesus Christ's translating of His saints is near? {Revelation 22:20 . . . . Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.} Or that the Great Tribulation, followed by the return of Christ is very far off?

The American People have no idea what President Bush and his "brilliant" Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice have been doing to Israel for the last eight years. President Bush, with his "brilliant" Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice - have been trying to "force" Israel to give up the land that GOD GAVE TO THEM! For years now, they have used threats, intimidation, and coercion in order to attain their ends i.e. "The Road Map" to the dissolution and destruction of the State of Israel.

Bush is looking for a "LEGACY" ("Peace" in the Middle East), and if Israel's safety and welfare get in the way of that "LEGACY" - well Israel is just going to have to step aside and let the "brilliant" Condoleeza Rice's "Road Map" be implemented!

Does anyone (Bible believers) think that God is going to give us a "pass", just because there are a bunch of Christians living in this country? I trow not! History is replete with the numerous Nations that have messed with the Jews and who have ended up on the "trash heap", or become second, third, fourth, or fifth rate countries.

Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

And all of the above applies to nations also!
Old 09-15-2008, 03:12 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Very informative as always brother George, I have said on occasion on this post that I am ignorant of Americas internal politics, but what I see on the news and read in newspapers leads me to look to My Bible on these matters I personally feel that there is very little left to be fulfilled in Revelation.

Joel 3:1-2
1 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

All nations , means all nations, the U.S is not exempt, while they all fight & debate over who owns the Gaza strip and the West Bank the politicians are foolishly overlooking that the rightful owner is GOD ALMIGHTY!
Old 09-16-2008, 02:24 AM
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Default Church that Gov. Palin Attends.

Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
Hey PB
I knew about the asemblies of God's belief system, (I do not believe in tongues or healing as demonstrated by benny hinn, todd bently and the like) I had previously asked about Sarah Palin's Church from googling her and getting info about her Church life from wikipedia, but I do not take wikipedia as 100% truth as it can be modified by anyone. I have no position or agenda on this lady as I am from Northern Ireland and I dont understand the politicians here never mind those on your shores
And now back to the Thread Topic...

Hello---Peopleoftheway. My earlier post was not just for you but others also. It is amazing how some Threads get sooo far off-track. Gov. Palin has said that she was saved and later Baptized at the A.G. church in town. She and her family now attend Wasilla Bible Church. I'll provide a link to them. They look like a standard Evangelical/Non-denominational Church. or try

Tonight on Fox News Channel, a reporter-attorney (Greta Van Sustern ) had a visit/interview with Todd Palin- husband and dad of Sarah's kids, up here in AK. {I think she is enjoying being in Wasilla with real regular folks that fish/hunt/work/snowmobile/play hockey, cook their own dinner, believe in God and attend Church for more than just weddings and funerals-} I think she was sent up here to "dig-up-some-dirt" on the Governor, but is actually finding just the opposite. Most of the big city news types seem to think that if someone even acknowledges there is a Diety and then really, actually attends a place that worships that Diety...there just has to be something wrong with the person.

As per your country of Northern Ireland, you actually have a fine example of a Christian who has been involved in politics/government/legislation for decades now (just retired this year) , The Rev. Dr. Ian Paisley! A man who got involved in government BECAUSE he is a Protestant Christian who believes the Word of wit: We are called to be "Salt and Light", preserving and illuminating. ( Matt. 5:13-14 ) Both he and the U.D.U.P. (made up mostly of Free Presbyterians) are refreshing to hear when I tune into the Parliament broadcasts.

In his great bear of a preacher voice I heard him called upon one day to ask the P.M. a question by The Speaker of the House. " Thaannk Yoou Miisstur Speek-ur." I wunndur if I could ask Thaa Right Honourable Gentle-mun (The P.M.) a favor. Would he, upon his next visit to Her Majesty The Queen , please ask her to announce a Nation-uul day of Prayer and Thanksgiving for our country...?!"

I loved it! He is a man who has had the grit in his gizzard to speak out against the Pope being allowed to attend a European Parliament meeting---because he said the Pope is an apostate! Dr. Paisley was shouted down, but very few men have his kind of fortitude.

We need people in government that actually Believe, not just vote with the wind. It seems that Gov. Palin actually believes things, unlike her opponent.
Old 09-16-2008, 07:26 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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Hey PB

I know a few people that attend Dr Paisleys Church and yes it is free Presbyterian. They are a King James only Church as well. He is a great speaker filled with the spirit, but he holds to calvinism, and I don't agree with it.
There are threads on the forum regarding it so lets not get into calvinism maybe you hold to it? but I don't.
If you enjoy the preaching voice and authority of Ian Paisley, (and his trademark, whistle in his voice ) I can place some links to mp3 files from some great King James Bible believing preachers from this neck of the woods for you to listen to. (In your agreement)
My Grandfather was a preacher among the open Brethren for many years and he was very friendly with a man called Noel Davidson, who wrote a book on Dr Paisley and his work with exclusive permission of the man himself (not a scathing book I might add, but a testimony to his ministry at Martyrs free Presbyterian) I have the book somewhere but I cannot remember the name.
Dr Paisley has done a great work over the years for this Country and its politics, but I have to reject his stance on calvinism.
Anyway, back to the subject, looking at the website for Sarah Palins Church, I see at least there are no statements on tongues and healing for today so there will be no Jibber Jabber speeches from her in unknown languages
Old 09-17-2008, 02:46 AM
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peopleoftheway: Hello again.

I am, and I do! {For years though, I was a Flaming Arminian.}

But that isn't the theme of the Thread.

Here is a link that many folks enjoy. (unless you are an R.C. )

There are many more sermons/lectures/debates. Just scroll and point and click. 60 some years preaching.
Old 09-17-2008, 09:25 AM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
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PB hey there.

Dr Paisley certainly has a unique delivery and an even more unique preaching voice. I know as a child growing up Dr paisleys voice was one that I can recall many people "imitating" some in good fun, some with a malicious position.
As the per the sermon as the Pope as the antichrist (well the papal system), I can always remember my Grandfather preaching about the Pope as the "Vicar of Hell" and when I look at anything regarding rome or the Pope that statement just rings true! Funny thing is that as a child when I saw anything regarding Roman Catholicism, I just felt grieved at what I saw, and today I feel the same thing when I look at ecumenism because all roads lead to rome.
I am sure that Sister Renee, being involved in RC at one time can agree with.
Old 09-29-2008, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by peopleoftheway View Post
Hey PB
I knew about the asemblies of God's belief system, (I do not believe in tongues or healing as demonstrated by benny hinn, todd bently and the like) I had previously asked about Sarah Palin's Church from googling her and getting info about her Church life from wikipedia, but I do not take wikipedia as 100% truth as it can be modified by anyone. I have no position or agenda on this lady as I am from Northern Ireland and I dont understand the politicians here never mind those on your shores
You're absolutely right; Wikipedia, which was founded by an atheist, is an unreliable source. Have you ever tried Conservapedia? I don't know if its creators are Christians, but it's definitely Chrtian-friendly and pro-Bible. I'd highly recommend it. Here's the link:

I like Sarah Palin very much, and I hope that her star only ascends in the future; but I agree that this nation has become as one with Ninevah and Tyre, and deserves nothing from God but judgment.

And I love Ian Paisley, despite his theology!

Old 09-30-2008, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha brother Tim,

The American People have no idea what President Bush and his "brilliant" Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice have been doing to Israel for the last eight years. President Bush, with his "brilliant" Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice - have been trying to "force" Israel to give up the land that GOD GAVE TO THEM! For years now, they have used threats, intimidation, and coercion in order to attain their ends i.e. "The Road Map" to the dissolution and destruction of the State of Israel.

AMEN AND AMEN!! Case of...PEACE AT ANY COST!!?? The more Israel gives,
the more they pay in blood of their innocent.

Bush is looking for a "LEGACY" ("Peace" in the Middle East), and if Israel's safety and welfare get in the way of that "LEGACY" - well Israel is just going to have to step aside and let the "brilliant" Condoleeza Rice's "Road Map" be implemented!

I'd trully like to 'see' the FENCE between Mexico and along Texas' border..
be right up against President Bush's ranch..just as he and Rice have the Palastinians' 'border' up against Israels' land. We'd see how he felt than:
And the people from Mexico are not human bombs...or shooting rockets at innocent women/children/older people trying to live every day life.Children just going to 'shul' (a religious school) to learn Torah; being blown up..riding a bus to shop at the market or mall..things we take for granted every day.

Galatians 6:7 [/B]Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
And all of the above applies to nations also!
Thank you, George...for your insight, discernment..AND for sharing it in a way that others can many christians have never had a clear
view of Biblical,scriptural, concepts of this subject, which affects us ALL.

Blessings and Shalom,


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