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Old 03-07-2009, 11:56 AM
Winman Winman is offline
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Chette said:


When Noah's flood happened did it change anything in the upper heavens (above Earth's atmosphere)? Were there changes made to the sun, moon, or stars? The answer is NO. The heavens that were already ordained and up in the sky during Adam's day are the very same heavens that were there for Noah and his sons after the flood. And those same heavens are still there today.
I absolutely disagree. Before the flood, there was no rain on the earth.

Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

The first time rain is mentioned is Noah's flood.

Gen 7:4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

These are the first two mentions of the word "rain" in the Bible. In Gen 2:5 it says God had not caused it to rain, in Gen 7:4 it says God caused it to rain.

And there was a change in the heaven.

Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

Now obviously, there was a huge amount of water in our atmosphere or heaven, but it was contained. In Gen 7:11 its says God opened the "windows" of heaven, releasing rain for the first time upon earth.

Now the use of the word windows is interesting, because it shows the rain was contained by something transparent. The very purpose of a window is to keep the cold and heat out, but still allowing us to look outside. So, this rain was held back or contained by something either invisible or transparent.

But there was a change, we have had rain since Noah. And we also see the first reference to a rainbow and the clouds.

Gen 9:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

There is also another huge problem in the account of Noah's flood with the Gap Theory. The Gap Theory says the earth was destroyed by a flood TWICE.

But what did God say?

Gen 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

Gen 9:15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

If the world has been destroyed by flood twice as the Gap Theory demands, why does God not mention it?

Oh, and I personally believe Noah's flood may have caused changes to outer space above our atmosphere. One of the greatest evidences for this are comets. Comets are known to contain water, but scientists cannot figure out where this water came from as it is super-rare in the universe. I personally believe when the fountains of the deep were broken up, that gigantic geysers of water shot high in the atmosphere. Much of this would have frozen immediately and returned to earth as snow, perhaps hundreds of feet deep in some areas. This could explain the evidence for the Ice Age. But I believe some of this water (and rock too) actually escaped our atmosphere. This would account for the comets, and perhaps the asteroids as well. Scientists know comets cannot be over 10,000 years old because they would have been depleted ages ago. Everytime a comet passes the sun it loses much material, this is the long tail which we can easily see.

I even believe that Noah's flood may account for the pocked-marked surface of the Moon. If water and rocks were spewed out into space, it is possible the Moon was struck by thousands of the earth-made meteorites.

Now that is a personal theory.

Last edited by Winman; 03-07-2009 at 12:16 PM.
Old 03-07-2009, 05:20 PM
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read Ole's remarked again, his statement was above the Atmosphere not in the atmosphere.

Ole Madson, "All flood effects were confined to the Earth's surface and atmosphere."

the change he points out is to the stars and planets the second heaven. He doesn't disagree with the fact that rain was a new thing.

It sounds as if you misunderstood what Mr Madsen said, He did not change anything concerning the flood. May have changed is no proof they were changed. the water above in storehouse was the atmosphere.

I agree with Kent Hovin on the geyser thing. but that was not the point in Ole statement. re read it again I did to see if I misunderstood. But it would seem you misread it some where and confused the first and second heaven
Old 03-07-2009, 06:10 PM
Winman Winman is offline
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I didn't misunderstand, I tried to answer you. I spoke of comets which contain water. Now I am not the first person to realize that both comets and the Earth contain water. But modern science will always try to explain away God. Just 2 weeks ago or so, I watched a program on the History Channel where scientists are trying to say that our oceans came from comet strikes on the earth. Now, in all the history of man, we do not have a record of a comet striking earth. And to fill our vast oceans? It is laughable, it would take many billions of comet strikes to account for all the water in our oceans, probably much more than that. The more likely and probable answer is that the comets came from Earth. And how could that happen? Well, perhaps a celestial body as an asteroid striking Earth could knock some water out in space. Hey, wait a minute, what about the fountains of the deep breaking up in the Book of Genesis? Now, there is a real possibility. If super pressurized water were to spew out of the Earth, that could easily account for all the comets. And it may also account for the asteroids, they don't know where they came from either. There are millions of chunks of rock up there, and they have no clue where they came from. Well, if gigantic geysers of water were spewing out of the Earth, don't you think much rock would be carried along? We see that with volcanoes all the time. But our volcanoes are nothing compared to Noah's flood, the Bible says "all" the fountains of the deep were broken up. This was a world-wide catastrophe as has never happened before or since.

I think it not only possible, but actually very probable that water and rock were spewed out of our atmosphere into space accounting for both comets and asteroids. And as I wrote, I think it is very possible all the craters on the Moon and other planets and moons in our Universe may have come from this catastrophe.

So, I am no scientist, nobody is going to pay attention to a person like me, but that doesn't mean I am wrong.

You simply cling to your theory, no matter how much scripture (or common sense for that matter) is presented against it.

In Exodus 20:11 God says he made the heaven (same exact word as used in Gen 1:1) , the earth, the sea, and ALL THAT IN THEM IS in six days. If there was a gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 this verse would be false. This verse also must include Satan and all the angels.

It is you that refuses to listen to God's Word that is the problem, you would rather listen to a man. I don't care what "ole whats-his-name" said, I believe the Bible. You should too.

Last edited by Winman; 03-07-2009 at 06:19 PM.
Old 03-07-2009, 06:28 PM
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but where did I or Ole mention water on comets?

Well until man can catch a comet it is a theory that water is on one. equipment is made to look for such but I doubt it's accuracy as they are programed to give the answer men want to disprove God more than anything. I wouldn't consider a comet to be a storehouse of waters. while it could be something left over from the Noah flood water explosion as Hovin THEORIZES . remember this is all theory of great geysers that spewed water into outer space. there are waters above and water below but beware when men try to make great supposing ideas and then say they are biblical.

though water can be supposedly traced to other planets and comets there is not way to say it is in a form you can drink. the spectrometers only divide the chemicals they are not loose water floating or frozen, it is a mixture of created elements. interesting fact you can create 18 different types of water by changing the ion activity in the water. one of these types you can drink all you want and you will still die of dehydration

you are welcome to think that But God's word says the water came from above and below to cover the face of the earth. It doesn't say great geysers shot rock and water into deep space vacuum that landed on Mars and made comets. that is a good example on how men sneak their theories in on you cloaked in Bible terminology and then you swallow it as gospel truth.

the Bible is clear on the purpose of the earth Rev22. the purpose of man through out the Bible to glorify God in Grace and/or in Judgement. The purpose of Satan and his angles is clear to deceive, destroy, to kill, to tempt, to test and lie. the purpose of his son to save men and to take the throne not just promised to an earthly king but as was the purpose for the earth in the beginning.
Old 03-24-2009, 03:43 PM
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The Ole statement of:
FACT: The flood had no effect on the heavens. All flood effects were confined to the Earth's surface and atmosphere.
is refuted succinctly by the Hydroplate theory and by Winman. The comets, the moon craters, the evidences of water in space are all exceedingly logical when looked at in the hydroplate model presented by Hovind.
The Ole statement said heavens, plural, so Winman presented evidence from the first and second heaven, both of which are excellent.

but where did I or Ole mention water on comets?
Well until man can catch a comet it is a theory that water is on one. equipment is made to look for such but I doubt it's accuracy as they are programed to give the answer men want to disprove God more than anything.
Ole begged for evidence in the heavens of the flood, in stating there was none as a FACT.
Why would men program their spectrometers to give a result of water in comets if that lends credibility to the flood/hydroplate theory?
Also, as I understand, the same side of the moon is always facing the earth, and ironically, its the only side with many craters on it, the other side being fairly smooth.

you are welcome to think that But God's word says the water came from above and below to cover the face of the earth. It doesn't say great geysers shot rock and water into deep space vacuum that landed on Mars and made comets. that is a good example on how men sneak their theories in on you cloaked in Bible terminology and then you swallow it as gospel truth.
One of many truthful evidences we are left with are the massive oceanic trenches and seams, which when looking at a map of the world in relief, one can observe they practically wrap around the globe like a baseball stitching.
This is where the hydroplate theory makes sense. If that much water under that much pressure (weight of all the zillions of pound of crustal rock) were released, its not only plausible, but probable that it would have shot up into space beyond our atmosphere, and once there is no more resistance, could fly very far, perhaps ionizing along the way.

As for misunderstanding Ole,
the change he points out is to the stars and planets the second heaven. He doesn't disagree with the fact that rain was a new thing.
When Noah's flood happened did it change anything in the upper heavens (above Earth's atmosphere)? Were there changes made to the sun, moon, or stars? The answer is NO. The heavens that were already ordained and up in the sky during Adam's day are the very same heavens that were there for Noah and his sons after the flood. And those same heavens are still there today.
I understand Ole as meaning that for example, the hunk of rock we call the moon was still the same hunk of rock after the flood. It wasn't replaced, but it sure got a few scars. If comets came from the earth, shot into outer space by the fountains of the deep breaking up, does that change space? No, it just means that a few more hunks of rock are flying around in the same space with all the other planets that were already out there.

Hovind points out something interesting that comes up in his debates, that due to the latent heat of condensation, had all the water for the flood come from rain fall, there would have been enough heat energy released to fry the planet. Part came from above (the canopy falling down), but a much greater part came from the fountains of the deep.

None of this hydroplate theory is UNscriptural or contradictory, but makes sense of the evidence left behind from the Biblical account.

I agree fully with the difference between something being OLD and something being OF OLD.

Re: The rainbow promise
If the world has been destroyed by flood twice as the Gap Theory demands, why does God not mention it?
in fact, why doesn't God mention the "first flood" at all, if its so important?
How could a flood punish angelic, non-physical beings anyways, especially since they kept right on existing? If angelic beings occupied this earth before recreation, why would there have been any need at all for a physical world for them to inhabit or pollute?

It makes perfect sense to me that it was all very good at the end of the sixth day, then Lucifer observed the importance given to mankind, and became jealous of God's interest in them. His Pride of his own beauty led Satan to tempt man's worship away from God to himself. Surely there had to be a catalyst to Satan desiring to exalt himself, and what better one than jealousy for this measly man, made a little lower than the angels, being given so much attention by God Almighty? The timeline allows for Adam and Mrs. Adam to live in the garden of Eden for up to around 100 years before the fall of man. Plenty of time for Lucifer's fall.

Anyways, I know I'm jumping into the discussion and it may seem like I'm ganging up against the gappers, but I want it to be clear that my interest is in TRUTH, not in arguing with brothers in Christ, or anyone else for that matter. Arguing is a waste of time, but pursuit and defense of truth is for edifying the church and giving glory to God.

Winman rightly said:
You simply cling to your theory, no matter how much scripture (or common sense for that matter) is presented against it.
There will come a point where all points have been made, the truth is hanging there, for the reader to take or reject, and once that point is past, there is no more use in debate.
Old 03-24-2009, 06:50 PM
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Default "of old" vs. "new"

In my observation the words "of old" refer to two time periods, depending on the context:
1. Before the flood of Genesis 1:2
2. Before the flood of Genesis 7-9
This idea came up from the two kinds of "new heaven and new earth" in the Bible:
1. The "new heavens and new earth" of the Millennium (Isa. 65)
2. The "new heaven and new earth" in Eternity (Rev. 21)
Old 03-24-2009, 07:09 PM
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Hydroplate theory is just that theory no Biblical proof. This is one of the many points in Hovinds presentation in over 9DVD where Hoind presents as facts an unsupported biblical idea and everybody falls for it.

To say the moon and the planets bear the marks of the Noah's flood is a little far fetched ans holds no Biblical support.

the first flood was not important to man so it is not mentioned in scriptures for two reasons. One it had nothing to do with anything inthe 24/7 TQ and secondly it had nothing to do with man.

God doesn't mention when the Lake of fire was made. But what is revealed only has to do with man. the eternal fire mentioned in Jude makes it clear that the fires reserved for the devil and his angles were created before our 24/7 TQ

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