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Old 02-24-2009, 11:48 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post
You do realize that this is a "AV1611 Bible Forum", don't you?
That's exactly the same thing that come to my mind. I would never join an anti-KJV forum unless I'm trying to persuade them, or give them a hard time, or ready to denounce the KJV. So it really makes me wonder why some people join the AV161 Bible Forum. I believe we would like to learn more about the AV1611 here. Others who have no plan to believe the AV1611 is the infallible Word of God are free to join other forums for that purpose.
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Old 02-25-2009, 05:59 AM
Tmonk Tmonk is offline
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First of all, I'm here because I want to at least hear you guys out. Big mistake, you cannot reason with fanatics. I can show you any proof you ask for but it would do no good what so ever. You guys would just .................... you know what , forget it.

I'm not going to bother posting again after this. The proof is out there to be found. Look it up or bury your heads in the sand.
Old 02-25-2009, 07:37 AM
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Us fanatics sound fanatic or arrogant because we are confident it what we share. our confidence comes from long hours of study. and brother George spends hours and hours just studying the KJV Word of God. He is a blessing to us all. you would do good to be respectful to him as a brother or a father.
Old 02-25-2009, 07:56 AM
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Default Re: " Are only KJO saved?"

Originally Posted by Tmonk View Post
"First of all, I'm here because I want to at least hear you guys out. Big mistake, you cannot reason with fanatics. I can show you any proof you ask for but it would do no good what so ever. You guys would just .................... you know what , forget it.

I'm not going to bother posting again after this. The proof is out there to be found. Look it up or bury your heads in the sand.
Aloha all (excluding "Tmonk"),

TYPICAL! All Bible skeptics make unfounded charges and then when they are challenged to produce PROOF - POOF! Their gone, they disappear, they "wimp out"!

Sadly, it's always the same. False claims, False allegations, False accusations, Unfounded complaints, and then, like an unruly child, when he doesn't get his way - Wild charges and Vicious denunciations.

I wonder what ever happened to "middle ground"? Or what about the other side of: "Before you get the mote out of my eye, pull the beam from yours."?

After 40 years of dealing with these kinds of "Christians", I have learned that, after I have tried to reason with them in a civil manner and they refuse to reciprocate; and once I perceive that they are insincere and disingenuous, I disengage from them. There is no "profit" in trying to convince a skeptic or a sophist. No one is ever edified.
Old 02-25-2009, 11:04 AM
Rolando Rolando is offline
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Originally Posted by Tmonk View Post
First of all, I'm here because I want to at least hear you guys out. Big mistake, you cannot reason with fanatics. I can show you any proof you ask for but it would do no good what so ever. You guys would just .................... you know what , forget it.

I'm not going to bother posting again after this. The proof is out there to be found. Look it up or bury your heads in the sand.
So I'm a fanatic because I believe the King James Authorized Version IS the perfect word of God?

Originally Posted by Tmonk
Be careful of judgment too. I have no problems with the KJV in the sense that it is the Word of God, but so is an NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV etc etc.
Let me ask you sir, is Jesus the one and only Son of God or the only begotten Son of God?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his ONE AND ONLY SON, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16 NIV

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only BEGOTTEN Son: that whosoever beleveth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV

In the KJV we are told "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" (John 1:12 KJV), then how can Jesus be the one and only Son of God? Then the NIV perverts the Scriptures by changing sons to children. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12 NIV). This is only one of the MANY examples that reveal the NIV for the PERVERSION that truly it is. Then again you say:

Originally Posted by Tmonk
Be careful of judgment too. I have no problems with the KJV in the sense that it is the Word of God, but so is an NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV etc etc.
Ooh my. Sir, you need to repent and get right with God. If you don't, I pity you at the Judgment Seat of Christ (that's assuming you are indeed saved).

Last edited by Rolando; 02-25-2009 at 11:20 AM.
Old 02-25-2009, 04:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Tmonk View Post
First of all, I'm here because I want to at least hear you guys out. Big mistake, you cannot reason with fanatics. I can show you any proof you ask for but it would do no good what so ever. You guys would just .................... you know what , forget it.

I'm not going to bother posting again after this. The proof is out there to be found. Look it up or bury your heads in the sand.
Neighbor, the way to Jesus Christ is the narrow way, straight, neither turning to the right nor to the left as written in the scriptures. There is only one Jesus Christ, & one faith through the preserved Word as the final authority - even if a single word is changed, or omitted other than what the Lord has brought to us, then that document is deception. The NIV is defiled, the NASB is defiled, & newer renditions like The Message are abomination.

The words of the King James version are not preserved my men, but by the will of the Lord - even historically, it can be proven without doubt (Read the testimonial of the KJV 1611 if you're not convinced), & this is why non-believers, semi-faithfuls & luke-warms tend to dislike the King James, for its very existence will always haunt their shoulders of the sins they continue to commit, all for their own pride. Destroy pride, & be lead by the Holy Ghost to the good words that the Lord provides. The King James is filled with good words, true words, pure words that encourage & strengthen us even in our darkest hours. Please don't cast the Lord's truth idly aside by accepting deceptions into your house.

KJV = pearl of great price
all else = pebbles & stones
Old 02-25-2009, 08:56 PM
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Ok, so Tmonk gaffes about all this supposed evidence that he could somehow produce, while the men on this board combined have likely spent more time studying the Bible issue than Tmonk has been alive, Bro. George leading the pack, without having found any of this evidence?

And to top it off, we're called "fanatics" because we take God at His WORD and believe that He preserved EVERY WORD just like He promised. We're fanatics for believing God, but you're logical for believing in an impotent, lying God?

Does this make any logical sense whatsoever?
Old 02-25-2009, 10:12 PM
Bro. Parrish
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Originally Posted by Tmonk View Post
Be careful of judgment too. I have no problems with the KJV in the sense that it is the Word of God, but so is an NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV etc etc.
etc etc.....?

noun, plural -er⋅as.
Definition: 1. a number of other things or persons unspecified.

I pray you will open your eyes and heart, see the truth of your leaven and
understand the major problems with those perversions of God's Word.

Originally Posted by Tmonk View Post
The debate of KJBO has caused a lot of conflict. There are those that hate on the KJB but then there are people like Ruckman and Riplinger that only fuel to the fires. This issue has strained a close friendship for me. I have a friend who is a KJBO "Ruckmanite" and I totally disagree with him. Ever since this issue arose things havent been the same between us. So tell me what "good fruits" can possibly come from this debate? NONE.
I am sorry for your loss of fellowship and I do hope that can be resolved. I'll tell you what "good fruits" can possibly come from this: you could open your eyes and heart, see the truth of your leaven and begin to promote and honor God's Holy Bible, not attempt to equate it with the modern garbage being hocked on shelves across the nation, those deceptive perversions which attack the precious blood and Deity of Christ, omit many great verses of scripture and lead to confusion. I will pray for you, it is possible that God may use your friend to lead you into the light of His truth about the King James Bible, God bless...
Old 02-26-2009, 01:43 AM
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You ask a valid question in a noncombative manner and I believe you deserve an answer in the same manner.

A tract may CONTAIN the word of God but is not the WHOLE COUNSEL of God as the KJV is, yet the few words it contains may help God save someone. The word of God was on earth prior to 1611 but scattered, incomplete, and leavened in many cases, yet people were saved prior to 1611.

I Thess. 2:13 defines the answer to this question. Words found, in any language, that WORK EFFECTUALLY in those who BELIEVE are God's words He works through and moved men by the Holy Spirit to write.

Romans 10:17 effectually destroys the enemies of the KJV and whether or not God's inspired words are in your hands. If only the original manuscripts are inspired then NO ONE HAS BEEN SAVED SINCE THEY DECOMPOSED.

Grace and peace

Tony Bones
Old 02-26-2009, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Biblestudent View Post
That's exactly the same thing that come to my mind. I would never join an anti-KJV forum unless I'm trying to persuade them, or give them a hard time, or ready to denounce the KJV. So it really makes me wonder why some people join the AV161 Bible Forum. I believe we would like to learn more about the AV1611 here. Others who have no plan to believe the AV1611 is the infallible Word of God are free to join other forums for that purpose.
Translation: we don't want any of our comments to be challenged in this forum. We have the sneaking feeling that our arguments have holes in them, and it makes us uncomfortable when someone points them out to us. So, go away and let us pat ourselves on the back for our mindless drivel, or we will attack you as a Bible-hater and cast aspersions on your state of grace.

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