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Old 12-24-2008, 11:32 AM
Scott Swart Scott Swart is offline
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Default Bible Versions

Go with the one that leads you to Christ, and I can say for sure the KJV will show the way.
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 12-24-2008, 12:02 PM
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PeterAV PeterAV is offline
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The King James Bible will have a true Christ, a true word, and a true way.
The modern perversions have a christ, a word, and a way.
The pure Holy Bible wins without our help every time.
Praise the LORD!
Old 12-24-2008, 06:38 PM
Harley Harley is offline
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Default Bible vs Books about God

Originally Posted by PeterAV View Post
The King James Bible will have a true Christ, a true word, and a true way.
The modern perversions have a christ, a word, and a way.
The pure Holy Bible wins without our help every time.
Praise the LORD!
I look at it this way: the King James is the Holy Bible. The King James is God's inspired, inerrent word translated in the English language.

The NIV, "New King James", ESV, NASB, NRSV, etc....

Those are books about God, made by men who found fault somewhere in the King James and for whatever reason, financial motivation or diabolical intentions, produced another book that reads like the Bible (King James).

I would never, ever, suggest that God could not use one of these books to reach lost man, but when it comes to using the qualifier "Holy" in respect to a book we call the Bible...well, I'm going to stick to my opinion that the only Holy Bible is that which is called the King James.

If that makes me "King James Only" then so be it. Guess I'm "Oxford Only" as well, since I think the only legitimate reference for the English language is the Oxford Dictionary.

And when did we in America cease speaking "English" in form of the American-English we speak today?

I digress...


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