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Old 12-16-2008, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by JaeByrd View Post
There are many aspects and talents to the JaeByrd.
Hehe, I love it. I happen to be a closet Trekky myself

Much Love in Christ,
The King James Bible Page SwordSearcher Bible Software
Old 12-17-2008, 01:23 PM
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Put it this way, last year I was 51, and next year I will be 54. Guess my current age.
Assurance of Salvation in 1970 August 28th.
Old 12-17-2008, 02:15 PM
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Originally Posted by PeterAV View Post
Put it this way, last year I was 51, and next year I will be 54. Guess my current age.
Assurance of Salvation in 1970 August 28th.
You're either 52 or 53...
Old 12-17-2008, 06:28 PM
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Default I am new.......Intro:

Hi Everyone,

I have been a KJV fan since receiving a Gideon’s New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs shortly after my born-again experience in 1982. My daughter brought this “little red Bible” home from school in the 5th grade. I read it cover to cover in three days. My complete testimony is at my website.

The first time I walked in to a Christian bookstore to buy a complete Bible, I felt dizzy and confused with the wide assortment of Bibles. I had no idea there were so many varieties. I just wanted a Bible. I left the store and prayed about what Bible to buy and ended up in a Walden Bookstore that only had one Bible on the shelf, a KJV. After reading that one until the binding fell apart, I bought a better quality KJV and continued learning and growing and encountering the LORD through the pages of Scripture. When I tried to read an NIV or some other version, I did not sense the same intimacy with the LORD that I did with the KJV. Subsequently, I read about the Bible version controversy and became convinced of many of the arguments in favor of the Received Text. I have read through the Bible every year since the mid 1980’s and appreciate the KJV more and more each time through.

Recently I became interested in the Gap theory (Ruin-Reconstruction) and ended up at the site of Gaines Johnson.

I found the articles there quite interesting and appreciated his KJV stance. That led to a Google search for another KJV Bible believer that I had lost touch with, which led to finding this forum where both Geologist and Steven Avery are posting! So I signed up the other day and am reading the posts with interest. I especially hope to glean additional insights in the Gap theory vs. YEC positions, as I am in the process of weighing the evidence. I hope the dialogue here is conducive to friendly discussion and sharing of various points of view. I am a friend, not foe....although I may not walk in lockstep on every point of doctrine. It is nice to be able to discuss things from the basis of believing the same Bible at least, and believing that it is indeed the Word of God.

For your survey....I am 59, but I started life anew on 4/27/ I am almost 27 in the LORD. I like that number better.


Old 12-18-2008, 07:48 PM
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Hiya tandi! Glad you've joined the forum.

I really was blessed by reading your testimony: I love how the Lord does speak to us through His word.

Did your daughter get 'saved' as well?
Old 12-18-2008, 07:56 PM
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54...gravity is my friend...
Old 12-18-2008, 09:17 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by Here Am I View Post
I remember all that but the postage stamps...I think they were about 8 cents when I was growing up, in the 60s.

My dad had a Sunoco station, and wanted to offer S & H Green Stamps, but the Esso (!!!) station across the street already had them.
You're just a spring chicken, as are most of the peeps in here.

(Ha ha! Get it? Chicken? Peeps??? .... never mind ....)

I remember getting free drinking glasses, made of glass, in boxes of detergent: Duz detergent, to be precise.

I remember elevator operators. It was unthinkable to press the buttons yourself.

I remember when Cokes, in a machine, cost five cents. In beautiful glass bottles!

I remember the Green Stamps and gas wars too: when I was in high school, you'd have 25 cents per gallon at one station, and 23 cents across the street.

I remember a brand new Volkswagen Beetle costing less than a thousand dollars. Not much less, but, still....

I remember the daily newspaper costing a dime, 25 cents on Sunday.

When I started smoking, they were still selling Home Run cigarettes, although that wasn't my brand. I think Home Runs had a picture of Honus Wagner on the package.

I remember when people wore their best clothes when travelling by air: you'd very rarely see a passenger not wearing a coat and tie, or a nice dress. The kids, too. My Father was a pilot, and I wore little suits and ties when I was flying as a child! Flying was a big deal then. I will never forget the smell of the leather seats in those old DC-8s and DC-9s. What a wonderful smell!

When I was a very little boy, one of my Senators was a young man named Richard Nixon.

My high school graduating class had about a hundred students. I don't wish to be crude, but I'd seriously estimate that 95 of them, male and female, were virgins when they (we) graduated. And this was a public high school in a town of over 100,000 people.

And of course I remember the milkman, and the glass bottles of milk on the porch....

How incredibly boring this must be to the younger people here! I swore I'd never talk this way when I got older. But, just as "conscience doth make cowards of us all," the passing years turn us all into fogeys - - - even if incredibly cool and groovy fogeys, like myself.

When I was in high school (try to imagine this), the following "artists" were regularly seen in the "Top 40" at the same time (often in the Top Ten): Elvis, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett, and the Beatles. I'm actually saying that Sinatra was still having Top Ten hits! Against the Beatles!

I'd like to keep regaling you kids with these stories, but it's time for my medication......

Last edited by Vendetta Ride; 12-18-2008 at 09:31 PM.
Old 12-18-2008, 10:48 PM
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Wow, VR... the old days must've been pretty cool! I thought your post was very interesting. I wish I could've been around back then. Of course, that means no internet and none of the modern technology we have today, but I don't think you were missing out on anything without all that stuff back then.
Old 12-18-2008, 11:21 PM
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[QUOTE=Vendetta Ride;13406]You're just a spring chicken, as are most of the peeps in here.
(Ha ha! Get it? Chicken? Peeps??? .... never mind ....)

How incredibly boring this must be to the younger people here! I swore I'd never talk this way when I got older. But, just as "conscience doth make cowards of us all," the passing years turn us all into fogeys - - - even if incredibly cool and groovy fogeys, like myself.

When I was in high school (try to imagine this), the following "artists" were regularly seen in the "Top 40" at the same time (often in the Top Ten): Elvis, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett, and the Beatles. I'm actually saying that Sinatra was still having Top Ten hits! Against the Beatles!

I'd like to keep regaling you kids with these stories, but it's time for my medication......

Hi VR,

there are a FEW of us that remember those days...thats why I can still remember over in Cody's Forum...NAME THAT TUNE... some of those days were really great! A lot more cleaner T.V. shows..a LOT of things were
different was FUN than.

Anyway, thanks for taking us down memory lane...loved it

Old 12-19-2008, 02:43 AM
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Yeah, I enjoyed that too VR. I sure would prefer to have grown up in a time less wicked than the time we find ourselves in today. Why just yesterday I watched the movie Mary Poppins, and I kid you not I cried like a baby with joy throughout it. You just can't find wholesome entertainment anymore. Man it would be nice to be able to sit down at a movie with the family and not be appalled within 5 minutes of watching it.

Much Love in Christ Jesus,

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