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Old 11-15-2008, 08:57 PM
Traditional Anglican Traditional Anglican is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: TEXAS
Posts: 134
Question How do to respond to a Roman Catholic on this

I was in a "little" debate with some Roman Catholics, I stated that their beliefs were a worship of Mary and the Saints. Correct me here my friends, BUT if I see people BOWING DOWN to a statue, lighting little red candles and speaking to are pretty much in a state of "worship". They gave the usual RCC answer: "You ask living friends to Pray for you, why not Mary and the Saints since they are so much closer to God." I know some of you have heard that line. Here is the problem, EVEN if you could convince me it was not worship, Scripture FORBIDS communicating with the dead, it is Necromancy and an Abomination. My question is this, how do you get around their semantics to communicate there is a REAL problem??????

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