Thread: New here
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Old 03-17-2009, 04:59 AM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by MississippiBayouBaptist View Post
I find it somewhat strange how quite a few folks on this site classify themselves by using someone's name in the description (Ruckman to use the example from your thread). I thought we are all following God here, not men. I understand the connection with certain pastors/theologians/writers with whom we agree, but there seems to be a unusually large amount of identification with men. This is somewhat baffling to me.
I know what you mean but I have been on other forums where there seems to be an unusually large amount of identification with the Alexandrian Cult, and I am far more comfortable here where they know what a Bible is and they don't try to correct it. Yes I agree my friend, following men can sometimes be a problem but I wouldn't worry too much about it here, (unless you start seeing references to Obamanites!)