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Old 11-10-2008, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by atlas View Post

The insults are beyond funny. As are the never ending insults without apology. It's funny a Christian can act this way. It's kind of sad in a way but in an odd way very funny. But if you believe George, I can't read, I have not grown up MC is not a man. I do not believe the Bible. The list is not even worth typing.
For a moment address me and what I am saying. I don't speak for George and he doesn't speak for me either. I'd like to try to get past the personal invective and get you to focus on the meat of this matter.

The verses you provided about trees and bearing fruit are important, but what we're talking about here is heresy, which is a leaven. All manner of good works (which are necessary in the Kingdom) do not change leaven. Further, this still stands:

Psalms 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.

If it can be shown that someone has done work outside of the truth, and has taken for himself the glory of that work, how is it God's?

It is telling that nobody has mounted an earnest defense of Estep's outrageous "doctrine" here. The transcribed quotes where he blatantly and unabashedly claims headship over his church and tells people to go to a human mediator instead of our One Mediator are utterly indefensible. I do not understand how anyone (a Bible Believer) could give him a pass over this. Does it matter what else he has "done" when he is taking for himself the preeminence of Christ? Why recommend this man once being shown his damnable doctrine?

Cults are full of good works. We don't give them a pass on their doctrine because they feed the hungry and help the needy. People get saved reading the NIV; we don't then say the NIV is "bearing good fruit" and give it a pass when it takes God out of Jesus. This is no minor issue!

Now what I can understand is not knowing what Estep teaches. But once that is made clear, a Bible Believer really does need to decide if he is going to tolerate a man (any man!) usurping the headship of Christ's Church, if even just to wink at it so "more good works" can be done without the hardship of calling out the heresy.

Offered in sincerity and brotherly love,