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Old 06-21-2009, 06:57 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
Tony means to say that because of Pearls stance on declaring people saved/unsaved based on works, he has made himself out to be the Holy Ghost...
Luke, that's exactly what I said brother and exactly what I meant. He may be good, godly, dedicated, conservative, fundamentalist, saved by the blood, and unlearned in free Grace, no matter how many websites he may run or books he has publ;shed or what his reputation is. I want you to think on these questions:

1. How many sins did it take to get Adam and Eve thrown out of the Garden?
2. How many sins does it take to throw a person into hell?
3. Sin is transgression of what?
4. According to James how many times does it take breaking the "what" of question 3 does it take to violate all of it?
5. What is the difference between being hooked on porn and lighting your stove to cook a meal between 6 pm Friday and 6 pm Saturday, Jerusalem time?

Brother, you got to watch out for these little Christian immans, there is a Christian Taliban and there is a Christian Talmud. Stick with your Bible. Your sins affect your Chriostian walk, they have not been imputed to you. You are not the only person who struggles daily with the flesh, it goes with the territory.

I'll email you in the next day or two with some information you might find helpful.

Grace and peace my brother.
