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Old 03-20-2008, 03:43 PM
avdefender avdefender is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Default All Bible perverters the same

I just joined the forum today (3/20/08) so I'm probably a day late and a dollar short in this conversation but I just can't resist commenting.

This Fooley guy claims that no translation can be inspired. By this statement he is discounting most of the New Testament and a good portion of the Old Testament as being inspired. Every time that the Apostle Paul, Peter, John and other New Testament inspired writers quote a passage out of the Old Testament, they are quoting these passages from either Hebrew, or the other languages that the Old Testament was written in by the inspired authors. He either has to say that Paul's Old Testament references are not inspired or that Paul is not quoting these many passages from the inspired Old Testament. Any way that you put it the reasonable conclusion is that a translation can be inspired.

His ridiculous claim that the only perfect Scripture is in the originals is just as Fooleyish (yuk, yuk) as his translation belief. There has never been an original that seems to have outlived its authors in the Old Testament. The original "ten commandments" that were given Moses never made it to the base of Mt. Sinai. He came down the mountain, heard the people partying to Led Zepplin and destroyed the "originals" on the rocks of Sinai. (Ex. 32:19)
Thus we see the very first instance of "original manuscripts" destroyed 40 days after God gives them to man. By the way, the Bible says that God wrote on these stone tabels with His own finger! What an archeological relic that would have been! Leave it to untempered man to destroy that which God wants to give to man.
Moses is then commanded by God to go back to Sinai and is given a copy of the originals with some more added to give to the nation of Israel. This set of copied originals was placed in the Ark of the Covenant which as we know does not exist today. Oops! There goes another set of originals.
There are several instances in the Old Testament where an original manuscript is destroyed almost immediately after its transmission to man.
There is no such thing as an original manuscript in existance. We thus must rely and we do rely on copies, which by definition of the doctrine of the inspiration of the Word of God, must be inspired.

Finally, it is no wonder that Fooley has lifted himself up as the final authority of the scriptures. He is making his own book and will try to market it as a Bible. All Bible perverters do this, elevating their spirituality beyond their capacity to obey the Bible and attempting to impress others with his so called education. It doesn't work, I'm not impressed.