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Old 12-11-2008, 09:30 AM
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Debau Debau is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 177

Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha all,

I'm baaaack!

I want to commend Will, Stephanos, MC1171611, PB1789, Vendetta Ride, Bibleprotector, Gord, KJB Princess, Brother Tim, Here Am I, avbunyan, Steven Avery, pbiwolski, Forrest, Debau, Diligent, and Bro. Parrish (I hope I haven't missed anyone) for a masterful job of defending the Holy words of God {found in the King James Bible}.

Has there ever been such a motley crew (eclectic?) that can differ with each other on specific doctrines (as we sometimes do) - and yet come together in complete unity when it comes to the AUTHORITY of a Book we all can hold in our hands? And I don't mean the latest flavor of the day!

The foregoing "debate" was good for at least 2 reasons (there are more):

#1. It sharpens our minds and helps to solidify our belief in the King James Bible and,
#2. It is instructive as to how the mind of a SOPHIST works!

It's good to see that while I was gone that the brethren can do quite well without me (I'm not "indispensable" after all )! It's real heartening to know that throughout the world, God has people who, by faith, have believed His promises concerning His words, and are willing to defend them and contend with the "naysayers" that abound throughout "Christendumb" today.

Great job brethren - it's good to be back!
Amen here too!

Philippians 1:17 But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

Seems the Sophists cut tail and run when the "curmudgeon" returneth! (He's baaack!)

Welcome back!