Thread: Jihad Watch...
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Old 04-30-2009, 12:37 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a

Thanks for your post, I hear what you're saying.

I have no use for Catholic doctrine and I will not defend their sordid history, but I'll take Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly over the Jihadists any day. I'm not even saying they are Biblical Christians, but any attempt to suggest that those men are somehow in the same league as, or more dangerous than the murdering hordes of Islam I would have to consider as nonsense. Catholic influence is certainly a part of our society, but in today's world, I think Islam is the leading religion and vocalist of hate---particularly with regard to the Jews and America.

CATHOLICISM as an influence has been in steady decline, in fact between 1965 and 2002, the number of seminarians dropped from 49,000 to 4,700, a decline of over 90 percent. Two-thirds of the 600 seminaries that were operating in 1965 have now closed. More on that here:

ISLAM's influence meanwhile shows no signs of slowing, in fact here in the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. More on that here:

During the 8th and 9th centuries, the Arabs had already invaded southern Italy along with Sicily and by 846 the Muslims had SACKED ROME! The Arab Muslim conquests of 632–732 even dwarfed the Roman Empire, here's a map:

Today's Muslim pirates are nothing new, we can read the history of the Barbary corsairs and see that from the 16th to 19th century, those guys captured an estimated 800,000 to 1.25 million Europeans as SLAVES. More on that here:

You also have to add in the stunning rise of MUSLIM POPULATIONS in the U.K. and Europe. Albania is 70% Muslim. France is 10% Muslim. France had to declare a national state of emergency in 2005 because of Muslims burning the cities. All it would take is no more military threat from us, and one charismatic Islamic leader like Ahmadinejad to unite the various factions along with Dubai money and Islam could easily sweep over the entire world. That is the goal of Islamo-fascism.

BUT LOOK AT INFLUENCE TODAY: Look carefully at the nations where Islam has entered where there was no significant counter culture or resistant government.

Let's look at an example. The Maldives is the smallest Asian country on the planet in terms of both population and area. It's an island nation in the middle of the Pacific, and it has been populated by Buddhists, Portuguese and British people over the years. It is now controlled entirely by Muslims, but that in itself is not the issue. The issue is how the Muslims have changed the culture and the rules; today in the Maldives you CANNOT BE A CITIZEN without becoming a Muslim. Even long-time residents were not immune; "with the passage of this clause, a lot of Maldivians will be stripped of citizenship the day the new Constitution comes into effect,” Member for Seenu Atoll and prominent lawyer Mr. Husnu al Suood, told reporters on 19 November 2007. So we see the result---in essence another Islamic State.

If you think this is an isolated incident, look at other nations around the world where this system has gained a foothold (including Africa, where Muslims now comprise nearly 50% of the total population).

Regardless of how you see history, we have to see Islam's rotten fruit in the light of the modern day. Try having a public Bible study in Saudi Arabia and see how tolerant they are about it. Here is an excellent article regarding the war of Islam on Christianity today:

Last edited by Bro. Parrish; 04-30-2009 at 01:03 PM.