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Old 04-08-2008, 03:30 AM
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Luke Luke is offline
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Posts: 594

Unfortunately, I expected that reply...

I did say "I would be interested" in finding out his stance, not "I am desperate to know because I follow every idle word of his".

God's word teaches Free Grace. I don't need to, and CANNOT, prove to God that my faith is real, by my works. Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of my faith. Any good works I do are his.

There is nothing hard about the teachings in the sermon on the mount. In fact, I didn't even imply we chuck them out. I claimed that they destroyed Lordship Salvation as a doctrine.

Friend, you need to stop shouting from your high horse. Too many fundamentalists do this. "You are decieved!" "You have been tricked by the devil!". Did you ever think that if I had been decieved, I may listen to someone who actually sounded like they cared about my soul, rather than someone who just wanted to be right....