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Old 03-30-2008, 12:07 PM
Posts: n/a

If everybody always got exactly the same thing out of the Bible you could say it's just a matter of preaching and teaching what's actually there, but in reality there are always differences of understanding from one reader to the next, one preacher to the next, at least on some parts of scripture, so teaching always involves a degree of interpretation. Even those God calls to be pastors and teachers disagree with each other on some points. That's why I read so many different commentators -- most usually agree on the meaning of a passage but on some parts of the Bible there can be a lot of disagreement, and I sometimes end up agreeing with the views of the minority. But I believe the Proverb "There is safety in many counsellors." It's good advice to read the Bible itself as your foundation, but I don't think it's good advice to trust yourself to read it on your own without also learning how others understand it, especially God-appointed preachers and teachers.

When someone here posts a lot of scripture to support a point it's obvious they understand that scripture a certain way that supports that point, although someone else may understand it somewhat differently. In other words they are interpreting scripture. It can't be helped. We won't know the perfect meaning of all of scripture until we are with the Lord.