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Old 11-29-2008, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Vendetta Ride View Post
If he were an older man, I would say that he is a rogue and a charlatan. Because of his youth, I will simply say that he appears to be immature, unstable, and preposterously impressed with himself. I wouldn't follow him out of a burning building.

I trust that answers your question, sister?

Why? I've watched lots of his sermons and I don't understand where this hostility towards him stems from. What does he preach that you all seem to dislike so much? Is it his midtrib stuff? Seriously, I've never heard him say a single thing about dispensationalism at all. Now I've only seen maybe 1/8th of his sermons on youtube, but I doubt he preaches this stuff at his church. Is it his stance on easy believism? He believes in repentance, he just doesn't like people telling others you have to stop sinning in order to be saved. Is that wrong? So, PLEASE instead of these little unfounded jabs against the man, can we get something solid on him that you all don't like?

Peace and Love,