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Old 11-10-2008, 02:03 PM
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Kiwi Christian Kiwi Christian is offline
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Originally Posted by George View Post
Read the Scriptures you just quoted. "Race" is not in view!

The issue was Jews (Israelites) and non-Jews (Gentiles). The issue was Jews (God's "chosen people") marrying Pagan (Idol Worshiping) Gentiles. The issue was not about "Race".

According to the Bible mankind descended from three men who were the original progenitors of what we refer to as the three main "races" of mankind: SHEM - The progenitor of the Oriental "race"; HAM - The progenitor of the Negroid "race"; and JAPHETH - The progenitor of the Caucasian "race".

Although the Jews descended from Shem, they were not (strictly speaking) pure "Shemites", and to classify them as a separate "race" would be in error.

Ans so we come to the conclusion that "interracial marriage" is a "misnomer" - IF some Bible thumping bigot is trying to "prove" that because the Jews (Israelites) were FORBIDDEN to marry outside of their nation, that we Christians shouldn't marry someone outside of our "race"!

The world is divided into three kinds of people today: The JEWS; the GENTILES; and the CHURCH [1Corinthians 10:32]. Any other kind of "division" is "divisive" and unscriptural.
Good post George, I'm in agreement with you.