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Old 02-29-2008, 08:59 PM
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For you timothy! Theres a King called Jesus who has commisioned me to do this work.And yes he did! so stop knashing your teeth and thinking evil boy.I know most of your responses are based in what the scripture would say of the Jews against Paul(moved with envy)or if you like motifated by spite or jealousy. Did paul not say to judge nothing before the time! until god sheds light on the hidden things of darkness and exposes the motives of mens hearts?Are you really a christian? do you abide by the word of god or like all others just listen to the bits that suit you. Yes those who are spiritual judge all things: but thats not the context of my previous quote.
For you sting of truth! the ennerant word of God is in koine greek, period! Fact! end of story! IT WASN"T ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN ENGLISH, it was TRANSLATED from" the "KOINE GREEK ENNERANT WORD OF GOD" INTO a theatrical language that was not even commonly spoken in those days.
you are all telling me about babies and 5 year olds and disabled people understanding the king james, well you know as well as i do that your all liars and you know very well there is a tonne of words in there that they don't understand and have need of a dictionary for, not to mention the back to front sentence structures, outdated words that have lost their meaning,and in some cases just plain mistranslations by the king james scholars.
This whole debate is simply about an OPINION as to which TRANSLATION is best.
i've said it once and i'll say it again. I have discovoured while doing my work, that the king james is about 80% accurate and offers very little in the way of transferable revelation to the reader, due to it's over reliance on LITERAL translation ideologies that supress the original intended meaning and misconstrue the exact context.
I'm gonna tell you all point blank the my version is gonna take over the modern world as the premier most read bible, and it will gain momentum very quickly and most if not all of you will be relying on it for your devotional reading and meditating on the word of god.
My version is approx 95% accurate while offering abundant revelation, clarity, substance, accuracy and complete ease of reading in TODAYS syntax word structures and meanings. But i can tell you all for certain that the words in the king james bible are simply the work of men doing the best job they could to represent the original greek scriptures.Nothing more, nothing less!!!

If you would like me to tell it to you straight, i will.

As i started translating, God informed me that he has given me the divine perogative to update the king james bible as i see fit, because he trusts me and that my bible will be the first to TRULY REPLACE the original king james bible.
I'm only doing the new testament and will be signing a deal with the TNIV and NLT bible publishers to use their versions for the old testament.

I amusing the LITV and greek interlinear and concordance and seven other translations available, including the NASB updated,the TNIV and the original king james, so stop panicing and just let god do his work through me.
I will inform you that i have(by necessity) resorted to approx 20% paraphrasing, 30% dynamic equivalence, and 50% literal translation techniques, just so you know what to expect.
this statement that the king james bible is the innerant word of god in english is just a blind pigheaded ignorant insecure assumption on all of your part, but in a way i understand your feelings because so many of the other translations we have a pure rubbish TINGED with stunning accuracy.
By using the other versions to help me i am effectively using the help of hundreds of scholars as opposed to your 40 or so scholars soi stop raving on at me about your woeful stance.
Even the original king james admitsin the preface "with the former translations diligently compared and revised".