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Old 06-16-2009, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
Does this apply to me today? Yes or no.
The answer is yes and no. Yes, in the practicle sense where it applies to the new man vs. the old man. No, in the doctrinal sense where certain ideas cannot be enforced upon a believer in Christ.

I know this is tricky. Rightly dividing gets tough in when it is dealing with things that have not yet happened ("Hindsight is 20-20"!).

The trick is to realize when there is "double application" of scripture. It does not happen often, and is therefore often confusing. Try not to read these passages only in their doctrinal setting, or rather read them understanding the possibility that it won't all apply doctrinally to you. If it does not, read it considering what you can learn for your day to day walk in the Christain life.

I'm sorry, I've got to go. I should be able to get back to this some time tomorrow. I hope this doesn't "leave you hanging"!