Thread: Genealogy
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Old 02-28-2008, 10:02 PM
Posts: n/a

True Jerry but what about all those years betwen Zedekiah and the birth of Jesus? There appears to be no king upon the throne of David's Line. I am not trying to trick you or to be smart with you but there is a very real answer that will amaze most bible studants. The key to the answer is the life of Jeremiah.

Hey Jerry you have something in common with Jeremiah! Just kidding! If you are interested in this go to my website and read the article on The Lost Tribes of Israel.

It is very enlightening and proves that when God makes a promise He will move heaven and earth to cause it to come to pass. I also show where the 10 tribes of Israel are today. It might supprise you that the United States and Great Britan are Ephraim and Manasseh.

Your not going to agree on a lot of subjects that I have there but this one is pretty streight forward and if you like history you will like it.

Lots of love my brother!
