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Old 07-07-2009, 02:04 PM
peopleoftheway peopleoftheway is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 645

Originally Posted by George View Post
Aloha Brother Tim,

I accept your gracious apology. You and I have had a few "clashes" in the past (most of which weren't worth fighting over), but we have always managed to apologize to each other and continue our fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ and around His precious word.

I must admit that I was offended (perhaps I am too easily offended? ), but my "bark" is worse than my "bite", and I can truthfully say that I will not hold anything you said against you. I believe in "forgive and forget".

Even though you and I may disagree on certain spiritual issues, I have always counted you as a brother in Christ, and believe it or not, I have learned from your conduct on this Forum (although it may not always show ). I guess that it why I was disappointed when you singled me out.

Anyway - that's all in the past! Let's "shake" and see if we can continue being of some profit to the brethren, for I believe the time is short!

May God bless you brother, you have been I fine example of how we Christians should conduct ourselves in adversity.
I agree with all you have written above about Brother Tim, I too have some things that we have disagreed with, nothing major and I greatly admire his spirit of reconcilliation.