Thread: Dinosaurs
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Old 01-05-2009, 01:34 PM
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illusionznc illusionznc is offline
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Well, I'm going to do some research on this topic, but for the knowledge I have at the moment, the Earth is roughly around 6,000 years old. So, I don't believe dinosaurs walking the Earth millions of years ago (according to science) is possible. The Bible is clear that Adam, the first man, lived only 6000 years ago. Adam was created on the sixth day of God's Creation Week, so the Earth must be only 6000 years old too. If there were dinosaurs, they are not millions of years old as science would have us believe.

(To elaborate some on my reasoning) Say for example in our times today. We have animals that are instinct, and some that will most likely become extinct. If the Earth were to last generations to come, these fossils of animals that have become extinct in our time, may appear to be somewhat of "dinosaurs" in the later generations of people. As I am sure that animals in the past appear to us. I am not sold on the whole carbon dating idea as a whole. It can be useful, but I don't believe it to be completely accurate. To my knowledge and understanding, the scientific idea of dinosaurs walking the Earth millions of years ago is a misguided fabrication. I would better believe the theory of strange animals unknown to us being wiped out by the flood of Noah's day.

Last edited by illusionznc; 01-05-2009 at 01:57 PM.