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Old 12-22-2008, 02:56 PM
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Originally Posted by BrianT View Post
I believe there is an error (or at least a glaring inconsistency) in the logic behind the accusation against the NKJV in this verse.
Here's is the ultimate end of our logic: we have in one volume, the very perfect and perserved words of the living God in the King James Bible.

If it ain't King James, it aint' right (making it wrong - logically)!

There's no "reasoning" here, it's belief. This is what you lack.

What a blessing it is to have a final authority - something that sets the standard for truth vs error and right vs wrong. With an authority, doubts are dismissed - the authority says, "I'm right." With an authority that equals God's words, the opinions ("wisdom") of all mankind are foolishness. Who needs a man when you already have it from God?

Got a question about the translation of a Hebrew/Greek word? Check the authority; it will guide you into all truth.

I like what I heard a preacher once say, "I'm just 'dumb' enough to believe that God gave us the King James Bible." Amen and Amen!

On a side note: I too am getting tired of reading the leaven you've been sowing in the minds of Bible believers. You will never get us to doubt the veracity of ANY word of the AV, nor will we ever consider an alternate reading to be acceptable.

So...I'll also ask, "Why are you still here?" Would you consider it to be a victory if you cause someone to lose their faith in the perfect Book that we love? Isn't that what you really want? If so, who did you get your orders from? Who's "side" are you on? Gen. 3:1