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Old 03-23-2009, 07:49 PM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 864

Cody, JustAT appears to have received your joke as such and that is fine. The problem comes when lurkers clip-and-snip our "jokes" and then use them elsewhere to prove that we are mean-spirited. I have seen it happen. In fact with the very joke that you used (someone else used the same joke, not you)

Renee, I know well that JustAT can be a bit difficult. We bang heads regularly over at FFF where I go to work on my people skills. He is actually one of the milder ones over there. He sincerely thinks that we just need a little more convincing and we will "see the light". Little does he know!

It does seem that just the mention of Dr. Ruckman's name gets emotions active. He has made a personal difference in the lives of a number of members here, and a non-KJBer dropping his name is a red flag, because non-KJBers almost universally despise him.