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Old 06-06-2009, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Will Kinney View Post
Hi Tim. I agree with tonybones. I too have very definitely examined both sides of this issue. I have read James White's book about 3 times through. I've read Carsons anti KJV book, and all of Rick Norris's Unbound Scripture and all of James Price's King James Onlyism, A New Sect. Read them all and then wrote a Bible Believers response to both Norris and James Price.

My belief in the 100% truthfulness and inerrancy of the King James Bible is a God given conviction based upon many hours of study and prayer, plus a lot of just plain common God given sense. The arguments I see coming from you "No bible is the complete and inerrant words of God" guys are so silly, vapid, empty and just plain dumb, that I am convinced that this is a spiritual battle and not one of the intellect. Nobody is naturally that stupid

Happy hunting on that copy of your "original languages" thingy,

Will Kinney
Will, if we had the original manuscripts for all the Scriptures, each and every one gathered into one neat volume, who would claim ownership of them? The one manuscript that they all refer to and cite as "the original text", Vaticanus, who owns it? And why do they not allow anyone to examine the real one and only issue photos of it? If God had written the original words of the Bible onto the side of a mountain and put an angel there to guard it, how many would still try and infiltrate the perimeter to change it?

Ever read Animal Farm, where they write the political commandments on the side of the barn? Most the animals had short term memory problems, and every time the pigs did something wrong the animals went to the commandments, but somehow they seemed "different"? And then Squealer the pig is caught, fallen from a ladder with a bucket of paint and a brush and the commandments seem "different"? Finally when there is seen no physical difference between men and the pigs, they read the commandments and there is only one?

All Animals Are Equal, Some Are More Equal Than Others.

See a pattern here? I do. I see why God entrusted the preservation of the Scriptures not to priests, a church, a government, nor scholarship, but to those who believed them the most. That's why I said in my thing on "triple inspiration", those who attack and criticize the Scriptures are the ones who use them and believe them the least.

Grace and peace brother
