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Old 02-04-2009, 02:36 AM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
Well, it's not "his Bible," for starters. God wrote it: He just used King James to get the ball rolling just like He used Nebuchadnezzar and Sennacherib to do other things. Thankfully, His Majesty King James I was much more of a Bible Christian than either of those other two yahoos.
Amen to that!

King James was an extraordinary Christian, he lived a chaste life, grew his hair short, wrote amazing works, and ensured we had an English Bible; unbiased and pure! (Douay-Rheims adds volumes of useless foot notes).

What I meant was, people who don't agree with King James (like a lordship salvationist concerning works salvation opposed to only faith), why don't they use the NIV instead? Some lordship salvationists do use the King James Bible, which, seems like an oxymoron to me.
Although I suppose it's good in an odd way, any lordship salvationist DARING to quote from the KJV, I quickly quote King James on being saved by faith, it sure silences them. It's like saying, why would I use a translation from the pope?

To give this thread some more worth, here are some writings of King James that I meticiously modernized:
[The Basilikon Doron is patchy since I could only find varying sources - Masonic references were also added which shouldn't be there, as for Daemonologie, I'm still modernizing some difficult archaic words]

And something not seen too often, Sonnets by King James [which I didn't bother to modernize since it would take me a VERY long time]:
(They awfully remind me of Edward de Vere's sonnets and plays like Venus and Adonis, quite secular - but that's poety)