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Old 08-26-2008, 10:39 AM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
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Yeah, I've also wondered if perhaps Paul left certain parts out of Hebrews in order to mask the fact that he indeed did write it. We know that the Jews were very zealous of the law in the church in Jerusalem (and of course we don't know if Hebrews was written to them specifically) and that they had heard that Paul was now in effect an antinomian, haha. Paul was still vey much so in love with his heritage as a Jew, and I think he wanted to be a part of the ministering to them. Paul also was terribly smart and likely knew that his views on things would be discredited by the people he wished to reach even before they had a chance to read what he said. This is just a guess on my part, but I think it is likely.

Much Love in Christ,