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Old 02-05-2009, 07:27 PM
Bill Bill is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: las vegas
Posts: 59

The present Pope Benedict, formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, along with Pope John Paul opposed Liberation Theology, which was very prominent among Latin American Priests. In 1984 he wrote a paper called "Preliminary notes on Liberation Theology" which can be found on the internet. He describes how this heresy is extremely difficult to detect. The Churches you mention as being vulnerable to Liberation Theology deception, plus the Catholic Church, depend on Statements of faith, creeds, confessions, etc. to protect their doctrine from heresy and in this case it doesn't work. (If Pope Benedict would use the same honest intelligent reasoning on the issue of Bible versions as he does in examining Liberation Theology, he would rid the Catholic Church of their Alexandrian Bible and use the KJV or another TR version).