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Old 11-19-2008, 07:35 PM
Vendetta Ride
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Originally Posted by JaeByrd View Post
The term can be used for anything from an abortion needed for an ectopic or other medical situations where the lives of both are certain be lost if action is not taken.

Or in a the case of a missed miscarriage where the baby already died and the body does not naturally abort it. Which in some cases can grow into a rare form of cancer if left.
Yes, Byrd, but if the baby has already died, it's not literally an abortion: it's just a removal of the little corpse. Nothing wrong with that.

I firmly believe that 99.9% of "therapeutic abortions" are simply done for the sake of convenience. The only time abortion is justified is when carrying or delivering the baby would literally kill the mother - - - and such cases are exceedingly rare.