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Old 06-06-2008, 06:49 PM
Posts: n/a


If we were to try to understand the reason for the consequences in the creation of humanity, we would understand that all fall under those consequences regardless of race, color or religion.

That is the first creation as you well pointed out as under the law.

But now and as 2,000 plus years ago, a new creation begun under grace, again as you pointed it out.

The new creation corrects the conditions or the consequences initiated by the creation of humanity, mainly death in separation from God.

This new creation is a new Adam, a body that God the Father chose by which all humanity could fall under and receive grace for salvation of their souls.

There can be but one body only, of which is made up of many membered bodies and Jesus being the head of that body.

If we can comprehend all that in faith, then there is no other way for salvation,and one in which is an irrevocable and permanent condition .

Once we are born again, as in the second Adam, the new creation, we are or we become new creatures.

We can not, let me state again, we can not become unborn, once we are born again, because salvation is not dependent on our faith, works, but in Gods faith granted us for salvation.

It is a gift.

The gift is: For us to be able to exercise the image of God (Meaning, having the ability to exercise free will, good and evil) without the separation of eternal damnation.

Only God could have given us that ability and to have taken away the penalty of being separate from Him, by giving us a vehicle to become one with Him. (Jesus)
