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Old 05-21-2009, 04:51 PM
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Jassy Jassy is offline
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Posts: 299

biblereader -

My dear Sis in Christ,

I see you posting things about the LAW and WORKS.

I've undergone some wonderful new understandings of this.

My faith is not under CALVINISM - which I know you vehemently disagree with and which I don't believe in - but my faith is not under the LAW either. As I've seen others here say - we don't have to believe in this or that "-ISM" and we don't have to be this or that "-IST." We just have to believe in the Word of God, as our reading and studying and the Holy Spirit reveals to us. We are all ONE MIND in Christ, are we not?

A lot of the people here at AV1611 (from what I have seen) are, like you, against Calvinism.

However, Calvinism is more than just GRACE. They have added an entire doctrine (TULIP) that is not biblical.

Regarding works - our faith is under grace... and not Law now. Because Jesus FULFILLED that Law.

That Law was still good and true and holy, yes! However, it was for the Jews, before Christ came.

Take note that some of the respondents were referring you to look at to WHOM a particular BOOK of the Bible was written to.

Portions of the Bible are history; portions are for our instruction, portions are for doctrine, portions are for reproof, portions are for correction... (2 Timothy 3:16). Each and every Scripture is not written for ALL reasons. We have to be very careful not to improperly apply history as doctrine, or correction as reproof. Reproof is like REBUKING. Correction is like showing what is done inaccurately.

The Jews were to have seen that Christ was that perfect sacrifice that all of their rituals and holy days pointed towards. He was the Lamb that was slaughtered, with His Blood on their doorpost (as on the cross). It's an analogy that just SCREAMS of the truth! Gentiles are not under that system of Law that the Jews were under. In fact, if you read Paul's writings, you will see him admonishing the Jews for trying to go back under the law again and teaching others to do the same.

If we are indeed saved, we will WANT to do good works. We don't do them to GET saved. Nor to get a reward - but because we are of Jesus and we will glorify Him, and show Him and His sacrifice to the world, until the day of our resurrection comes! That "witnessing" is a form of "works" also - if you want to get real technical about it.

We do nothing to glorify SELF - but all to the glory and honor of our LORD Jesus Christ.
