Thread: The sons of God
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Old 06-04-2009, 08:07 AM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
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Location: Gainesville, FL
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Chette, I agree with you. I think that the description and behavior of the Revelation beasts matches that of the Seraphim and/or Cherubim of the OT. They are unique heavenly creatures always connected with the presence or throne of God. They are distinct from angels, God's messengers and emissaries.

Tim, by my count there are approximately 15 or more verses in the book of Revelation ALONE that mention angels shouting, sounding, vocalizing or crying with loud voices in heaven. I don't see any other forms of heavenly being doing this, do you?
Bro. Parrish "overlooked" their participation in heavenly praises during the Revelation story.

My opinion is that these are the "sons of God" in Job 38. By the way, Bro. Parrish, I will return your question to you regarding Job 38...
Who are the morning stars who sing? Stars did not come into existence until day 4. [note: No fair going to the Hebrew again. ]