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Old 03-01-2009, 10:18 PM
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Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post
Why not? I understand that you don't recognize the Biblical support for the Gap (it's plain as the nose on my face to me), but when there is a way to believe both a Gap and hold a Young-Earth Creation viewpoint, and if it were to not contradict Scripture whatsoever, why would you refuse to acknowledge at least the possibility?

I was a staunch Hovindite (still mostly am!) back in '02-'03 or so, but a man from Bro. Sturgeon's church in Montana showed me some Scriptures that didn't mesh with the rest of the view I held. Basically, my quandary is why people simply refuse to see what the Bible so clearly says when viewed Dispensationally, simply because they think the Gap was invented to fit evolution into the Bible.
Well said. Geologic deep-time does not equal evolution. Geologic time equals geologic time. I'm distressed that Chette is saying that the fossil record was created by Noah's flood. Noah's flood (which was real) did not leave a single fossil. The fossil record explodes roughly 600 millions years in deep-time. That means things started dying on this Earth at that time, which means that Lucifer fell sometime before the fossils started accumulating.

Evolutionary theory is man's way of explaining what he observes from the past and what exists now WITHOUT the input of God's truth. The "Gap Theory" is not a compromise of God's Word to evolutionary theory. On the contrary, it opens up a more perfect understanding of all things Biblical.

When we are dealing with an eternal God, with no beginning or end, and with angels and cherubs who were created by God long before the earth was created (at least 5 billion years), why can't we accept that such great time spans are certainly possible? Such does not contradict my King James Bible in the least way, nor does take anything away from the center of the Bible's whole story, the Lord Jesus Christ...past...present...and future. Why even look at silly things like time dilation and changes in the speed of light when such mental acrobatics are totally unnecessary.

The plain truth is right there, in our Bible, right in our faces.