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Old 01-14-2009, 04:19 PM
Bro. Parrish
Posts: n/a


My kids asked me the other day if I thought BIGFOOT was real...

I told them I did not believe in a "missing link" between man and ape, because we know man did not come from apes. However, I was quick to add, there are many things on the earth which man has little or no explanation for, and to be honest there are some species like the Coelacanth which have defied modern science, and others like the Megamouth Shark (Megachasma pelagios) that have completely eluded discovery until 1976. Komodo dragons were not documented by Europeans until 1910, and they were not really studied scientifically until the late 1960's.

So, with that in mind---could BIGFOOT really exist?

I don't know.
As Bible believers, we know that "Natural Man" is cursed, and desperate to prove his "ape ancestry," and there have been plenty of frauds over the years, 2008 being no exception. A recent "Bigfoot discovery" made headlines around the world, and had the media in a frenzy.
AIG reports...

"According to a CNN news report a few months ago, two amateur Bigfoot hunters stumbled upon the body of the creature in a wooded area of northern Georgia and also claimed that they saw several living ones in the same location—at least, according to one version of their story. Although there was supposed to be much more forthcoming, they only released “evidence” of purported DNA test results from the intestine of the alleged creature indicating human, possum, and “indeterminate” DNA. In fact, the most recent reports show that the jig is up and the fraud has been found out."

But all frauds aside, there are plenty of legends among the American Indians, and other places around the world, of giant bipedal creatures, living secretly in the remote areas of the world. Like UFO's, many people including law enforcement officials claim to see these things every year. Are they ALL lying? Are they ALL being duped by something fraudulent or faked? Where is the hard evidence?

If these creatures exist, are they merely a line of large apes similar to the supposedly extinct Gigantopithecus? Or Is there a more intelligent---or even spiritual---side to BIGFOOT? Is there still a race of large creatures that are living in caves or inside the earth? (Gen 6:4, Job 1:7)

Is it possible that these creatures are demonic or perhaps related to the Nephilum or the Antediluvian world? Are they able to come and go among us like the wind, like the Native American Indians suggest? I certainly don't know. But it's interesting.

AIG suggests, "if any unusual apish creature with claimed human-like features, whether called Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Gigantopithecus, etc. is ever found, the astute reader should consider several factors... more on that here: