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Old 03-08-2009, 03:54 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 594

I predicted this would happen. The guy is in jail, the court date is gone, stop trying to be correct, either side. Pray for him.

Who cares about the ratifications to the fifth amendment by the standing court of judicial tax law in regards to 501c3 tax exempt institution status according to the tenth statement by the grand jury in regards to the Jackson Vs Hilmes trial of the 1990's, in which the IRS was deemed to be unconstitutional and against the higher power of the democratic government by which this country was founded, and Kent was not taxed on personal income, but on extra personal income and the 16th ammendment was not ratified and render unto ceasar what is caesars and WHO CARES ANYMORE... (I made that up in case anyone thinks otherwise and decides to argue about the random words I just wrote).

I don't see anyone here arguing in defense of Wesley Snipes.