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Old 03-25-2009, 07:50 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mind and Body View Post
I just don't understand why most Catholics think that their religion is the only way to heaven. Since the Vatican II Council, Protestants are no longer to be called "heretics", but instead "separated brethren". But hyper-Catholic Web sites like still calls Protestants heretics and says that they are damned to hell. It is just not in the Whore's best intrest to be so divisive...
MAB, there are many definitions of a cult. The true and clinical one, if you will, is any religion that follows two authorities. I was in Church of Christ, they base their beliefs on the Bible and the teachings of Alexander Hamilton. The Mormons are the Bible and the teachings of Joseph Smith. The Jehovahs Witnesses are their bible and the teachings oif the Watchtower Organization, and the list goes on. The Catholic Church is the king od cults but follows the pattern: The Bible and Catholic traditions/teaching. The reason why so many ex-Catholics make of the majority of members in the cults(particularly the JWs) is simple: Catholics are already ingrained with the concept of two OPPOSING authorities in many cases.

I am glad you are free of them.

Grace and peace
