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Old 12-25-2008, 05:36 AM
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PB1789 PB1789 is offline
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Location: Alaska, USA
Posts: 172
Default Thompson C.R.B.

Hello and Merry Christmas to you. Saw your Post while I was listening/watching to large Choir from Luther College ( In Iowa, I think.) . Some great voices singing about the birth of a baby in a stable/barn/shed in a small place called Bethlehem... Makes one think --- 2000+ years after a birth --- people are still remembering His birthday... " What child is this...? "

Permit the wandering--- everytime I start to think about all the little itty-bitty parts of the puzzle that "just happened" to come together at that moment in the history of the world, it boggles the mind.

Okay... I'll get back to the Topic

The Thompson Chain Ref. Bible has been around 100 years now. It is a good Bible for all the reasons that were stated in the quote that you posted from them. You won't go wrong with it.

I suggest that you get the Large Print (which isn't "Large", just normal ) as you are probably over 20 years of age. I wrote them just 2 weeks ago about that issue. I think they would sell more if they used a 10 point print font. Trouble is that whenever a publisher increases the font size,,, the size of the book must increase--- it's one of those "Physics" things. . They replied to me nicely, but they have to try and print items that will sell. I saw this time and again when I worked at 2 different Christian Book Stores. People want BIG print--- but they want a small book to carry... I called them "GoldieLocks customers"... . { I also asked that they (Kirkbride) print a Black letter for the words of Christ edition, instead of the Red Letter... They said they did that once and the sales were dismal... .

Go back to the website and click on this link which shows you how to use the Chain-Reference system. Also look for a couple of Posters on here that use a Thompson... one is called Steve54, the other-- slipped my mind. Ask Steve54 for some tips. He seems like a genial guy.

Basically, if you look at Genesis 1:1 , in the margin (IIRC) it says Creation/Creator and then a number next to that. IF you want to look up/follow the chain about that topic, then--- you turn to the back of the Bible in the Topical index section and find that number, then look up the verses on the list that can be linked to Creator/Creation. This can be done with many other topics/subjects/people. It also has other study helps in the back and the front with maps and links to who wrote each book of the Bible and when/why/to whom .

{ In a couple of hours I'll check and see if the milk and cookies are gone and I have my own Thompson... } {it's about 0220 hrs A.S.T. and I should hit the rack soon.}

BTW--- Thompson was the name of the Pastor who came up with the Chain-Reference number system. Kirkbride is the company that prints it/sells it/distributes it. BBTW--- Get the Leather! It may cost $20 more than the Bonded Leather ( which is 90% leather fibers mixed with 10% resin ) , but the Leather will last decades, whereas the Bonded one has about a 10 year (maybe) lifespan.

Click on the margins of the Kirkbride site and you can read how they got started and what goes into making a Bible. As for Cambridge; They do make a quality product.