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Old 05-21-2008, 01:05 PM
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chaplainles chaplainles is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Posts: 25

I agree with what you said there Bro. George, well all have predilections in the flesh and I have noted that some folks are predisposed to certain things. In every mans parlence 'it's what rings your bell' to which I would add and the devil holds the bell rope...
I agree to say 'addictions' are diseases is a slippery slope that fits well with this Laodicean Age, whereas carnal christians used to cry 'the devil made me do it' it's now 'it's my genes'

I have a theory as to why 1. Our forefathers dealt with this problems better than we do because a) They had ONE Bible and believed and practised it! b)As a result they had a closer walk with God than we do. c) Preachers did not fail to Preach the Whole Counsel of God..

Thats why I believe Reformers Unanimous has such success, it has a demanding Bible reading programme as it's basis.
John 8:32 'Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free'