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Old 04-07-2008, 04:19 PM
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From: Jerry (Post #98)

Originally Posted by jerry View Post
I just wanted to address one more thing mentioned in this thread: several comments were made along the lines of, how can we judge Ruckman's doctrine or behavious unless we have read the majority of his materials? Since when do I need to read 50 books to be able to compare them to the Bible and see if they line up? If Rick Warren is writing more books, should I hold off critiquing him until he dies so I can read all the others first? Many use the same kind of arguments to defend Westcott and Hort and various false teachers or modernists - oh, you only read THOSE books, but unless you have also read this one and that one, you are in no position to judge them. Sure, I am - does what I have already read line up with the Word of God or not?
From: George (Post #78)

"How can anyone judge this man; or his works; or his ministry - IF they are not personally familiar with him; or his books; or his ministry? What is so difficult about that? We are commanded NOT to judge according to appearance and yet that is what these people are doing - if they haven't met the man: haven't heard him preach or teach; haven't read at least 10 or 12 of his various books; or seen or heard his tapes."
Upon your comparison above (an "exaggeration", "inflation" and "magnification" of nearly 5 to 1) with what I "actually said", I rest my case!

Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.