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Old 05-26-2009, 07:56 PM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by Brother Tim View Post
Tony, two statements:
1:When you have been around Barry, and talked with him as many times as I have, on and off the record, then you will have the right to judge him and me.

2:No prophet was carried into heaven by a fiery chariot. Read the Scriptures exactly, and don't depend on memory or old Negro spirituals.
Tim, sometimes we get too close to the forest to see the trees. I was employed at one time in reading intercepted messages, study the vocabulary, word usage, then read back this or that thus I was able to determine, with the work of others employed in the same manner, who wrote what that ended up at Andrei' Gromyko's desk in Moscow. If there is enough to work from you also judge motives. I made a study of 5000 words, my personal minimum, of our subject and determined it was more profitable for my time spent welcoming, encouraging, and edifying Tim(Boaz), Clint, Beth, and all the rest(including you)here rather than the slapfight over there. Nothing has changed since the Yahoo Wars, so here I park.

My reading of II Kings two was that the horses, the chariots, the horsemen, and Elijah were carried to heaven, conveyed, by the whirlwind. I stand corrected if I'm wrong brother.
