Thread: The Word of God
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Old 06-22-2008, 07:25 AM
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Originally Posted by pbiwolski View Post
...or, as you say, you can just believe it, and it's all okay! Now you've opened the door to believe whatever you want to believe from scripture.

But then this would go against what I previously quoted,
"But you must know that He won't lead you contrary to the perimeters (doctrine) that He has already established for you and me today."
You had better establish the doctrine that applies to you today, before you choose what you believe.
By faith, I can claim God's word - all of it. Doctrine is established by MEN (that is why we have so many denominations and nobody seems to be getting along). Not only do we have to rightly divide what the Apostles wrote and live that, but we have to rightly divide what our Lord Jesus spoke and was written down by Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and do what HE said we're to do. Since scripture doesn't contradict itself anywhere in my bible (all 66 books, 1,189 chapters and roughly 31,175 verses) there is also what God's Holy Spirit inspired to be written in the Old Testament by the prophets and teachers of old and we have to rightly discern what God wants us to apply to our lives from that.

We have a lot of words written to us and a lot to figure out on our own through God's word. We can easily listen to preachers and teachers of today, but not a one of them walked with Jesus and has a REAL clue. As I read it even Paul had problems with Peter and James (Galatians 2) and their doctrine. We need to get close the Lord through His Holy Spirit and only then can we know what God has for US to do (as individuals). If I have faith and believe that the infilling of the Holy Spirit bring God's POWER (as it did throughout my bible - both old and new testament) and choose to stand on the promises of God and He PROVES to me that it is for me what is that to you? Jesus told Peter to mind his own business when Peter asked "what about John" (John 21:22). Do you establish doctrine for me - or does God?